Book review
Who decides about war and peace nowadays?

An important analysis of global power relations
by Robert Seidel
(12 September 2022) At a time when the world situation is in the middle of a crisis, Wolfgang Effenberger* published a comprehensive analysis of geopolitical relations from a historical perspective. It is worth reading this book to identify the actors of the current developments without having to rely solely on the mainstream media guidelines.
Anyone not believing in coincidences, economic imperatives or esoteric laws, and not losing himself or herself in the arbitrariness of constructivist conceptions of history, will take an interest in the actual “players” of political and economic action.
Thus, the question arises today who made the decisions regarding sanctions or even war against Russia, which have an existential impact on the European economy and the lives of millions of citizens around the world. Who decides that Nord Stream 2 will not be connected to the grid? Who decides that sophisticated American weapons systems will prolong the war in Ukraine or even make it nuclear?
Who makes the decision?
In the free and democratic Western world, it is generally believed that the people are deciding on politics. It is difficult to deny that this is hardly the case. A nagging question then arises: who actually decides on issues directly affecting my personal future, on which I should, in principle, decide for myself in a democracy? Just think of the upcoming grounding of the European economy, and in particular the German economy. Not only millions of jobs depend on it, but also numerous European welfare states with their pension and health systems, the schools, vocational training institutes and universities or the public transport systems.
The question of who is making decisions about war and peace has been analysed by Wolfgang Effenberger for decades – in an objective, independent and investigative manner.
In his latest publication in German entitled “The Underestimated Power. From geopolitics to biopolitics – Plutocrats transform the world. From the American Civil War to the Agenda 2030”, he takes a look at the decisive global power relations from a historical perspective. These relationships ultimately have a definite impact on our lives as citizens. His book, published in February 2022, begins in the 18th century and ends with current developments, including the “Great Reset” project promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Effenberger succeeds in locating the “decision makers” of past and present political developments. The vague idea that decisions for war or peace have been democratically legitimised over the last fifty years vanishes into thin air.
“Merchants of death”
The analysis of historical events provides an understanding of contemporary events. Common narratives about the causes and “culprits” of the First and Second World Wars are challenged by facts. The author supports his analysis with sources from the American and British state archives, where documents relating to the events of past decades are kept and are now partially accessible.
Wolfgang Effenberger carried out extensive research to analyse the decisions made during the First and Second World Wars, whereby he highlighted the role of the main profiteers, the “Merchants of Death”. Parallel personal connection structures also exist today. Some of them can be traced back to their origin.
Thus, it is not Olaf Scholz preventing the opening of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, nor is it the wish of the German middle class to ruin itself through sanctions against Russia and the war in Ukraine, nor is it the wish of the Swiss and German citizens to spend the winter of 2022/23 freezing. All the more so if one considers that the “sanctions” intended to hit Russia are first of all ruining their own countries, while Russia’s trade balance will be quite positive in 2022. So what’s the point?
An “ally” stands to gain
Behind the current events, it is clear which Western “ally” and which “business circles” benefit in every way from the current situation: the sale of overpriced and environmentally damaging shale oil; the sale of weapons systems costing billions to replenish the weapons stocks of allies given generously to Ukraine; a Lend Lease Act program whose state-guaranteed financing allows for vast deliveries of American weapons and equipment to Ukraine; the weakening of the European market, the rerouting of Western trade flows for foodstuffs and raw materials from East to West; large-scale financing operations for arms and foodstuffs, etc.
Profits at any time
Political decisions regarding sanctions and arms deliveries, all initiated without knowing exactly by whom, have direct profiteers: specific banking institutions, certain investment funds, certain IT giants, arms producers, energy corporations, food companies, etc.
Thanks to these decisions, they can increase their cash flow. These big groups, these big banks, these investment funds and law firms, etc. profit directly from the war. War is for them one profit factor among others. These profiteers exert a direct influence on the “policy” in order to be able to reap high returns in future developments.
Wolfgang Effenberger has made the effort of locating these networks. In doing so, he does not overlook ideological conceptions such as the “one world governance” or eugenicist conceptions prevailing among the “decision makers”.
Human principles
Wolfgang Effenberger’s goal is not to pillory the guilty, but to disclose selfish and unscrupulous decisions that existentially affect the lives of millions of people.
Of course, there are differences among the “decision makers” and profit maximizers: some have no qualms about enriching themselves scrupulously and seizing unjustified power, thus denying others the right to life and self-determination, others, however, are acting within the framework of universal human principles.
When Wolfgang Effenberger refers to the current “empowerment of the capital elites” in his final chapters, he was able to do so on the basis of facts and against the backdrop of a broad historical analysis. With his publication, he reminds us, as citizens and part of the nation, that it is our own destiny. – It is about opposing the insensitivity and arrogance of a self-proclaimed elite with our right to a self-determined life.
* Wolfgang Effenberger, born in 1946, is a journalist and writer. He has written many books, all in German, including: «Wiederkehr der Hasardeure, Schattenstrategen, Kriegstreiber, stille Profiteure 1914 und heute», 2014; «Geo-Imperialismus. Die Zerstörung der Welt», 2016; «Schwarzbuch EU & NATO», 2021. |
(Translation "Swiss Standpoint")
Wolfgang Effenberger. Die unterschätze Macht. Von Geo- bis Biopolitik – Plutokraten transformieren die Welt. Vom amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg bis zur Agenda 2030. (The underestimated power. From geopolitics to biopolitics – the plutocrats are transforming the world. From the American Civil War to the Agenda 2030)
Höhr-Grenzhausen 2022. ISBN 978-3-94007-41-1