Vaccine lies

Pfizer admits: Vaccine was not tested

(7 November 2022) mb. Pfizer manager Janine Small admitted in the EU Parliament, when questioned by Dutch MEP Robert Roos, that the Pfizer vaccine was never tested for its effect on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Robert Roos: “Was Pfizer’s COVID vaccine tested to prevent transmission of the virus before it was launched? If not, please say so clearly. If yes, are you prepared to share the data with the committee? And I really want a clear answer.”

Janine Small, president of international developed markets, Pfizer: “In terms of whether we knew about transmission protection before it (the product) came on the market – No. We really had to work at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. And from that point of view, we had to do everything at risk.”1

However, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, just like numerous politicians and renowned experts, had repeatedly claimed that the vaccination would protect against Corona infections. “Vaccination against Corona protects against infection, the further spread of the virus and against a severe course of the disease.” – This tweet was sent out by Swiss Health Minister Alain Berset on 12 August last year. German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) in January 2022: “If we all refused to use the well-researched vaccination, which has few side effects, to protect ourselves and others from death and serious illness, we would probably never be able to end the pandemic.” European health politicians and almost the entire mainstream press had called those who refused to be vaccinated “lacking in solidarity”, “anti-social” and worse. They had to put up with massive restrictions on their basic rights. The population was put in fear of the unvaccinated, individuals were publicly denounced and an unspeakable division of society was brought about.

Cristian Terhes, MEP from Romania, criticised that Europeans had paid for products that did not perform as advertised. Literally, he said: “My colleagues and I are shocked that the vaccines were not tested for containment when the pharmaceutical companies applied for a special authorisation for the vaccine.”

Media, authorities and politicians have so far remained adamantly silent on the Pfizer manager’s statements – even though they are a big topic on social media. Is the media perhaps categorically silent because they themselves advertised the vaccination as a “game changer” and even pushed for compulsory vaccination?

Whole passages in the vaccine contracts are completely blacked out. (Photo ma/

Blackened contracts worth billions

Under EU President Ursula von der Leyen, 1.8 billion vaccine doses were procured from BioNTech/Pfizer in 2021. This cost the taxpayer 35 billion euros. The contracts were neither presented to the EU Court of Auditors nor to the EU parliamentarians. Only after protests by some MEPs were they made public; however, so many passages were blacked out that the contents could not be inferred. In the meantime, the public prosecutor’s office is investigating the matter.

The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) also ordered vaccines from Pfizer under Health Minister Alain Berset – and kept the contracts secret. Under pressure from parliament and the public, these were also published -– also heavily blackened.

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

1 Quotes from the “Special Committee on the lessons learned from the COVID 19 pandemic and recommendations for the future” on 10 October 2022 in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg.

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