Headless EU does the bidding of NGOs and think tanks

Dr. Peter F. Mayer (Picture www.tkp.at)

Hungarian Minister of Justice speaks out frankly

by Dr Peter F. Mayer*

(19 July 20238) The EU is pursuing a policy of change: energy, food, climate, vaccination and war, including sanctions. These are parts of the “Great Reset” operated by the WEF and the financial capital that controls it, i.e., the billionaires from Rockefeller to Soros to Gates. The respective EU Commission meticulously implements the orders as received from such institutions, the billionaire foundations (NGO) and their think tanks. This is how the Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga analysed it on May 25 at a conference in Budapest, as reported by “Magyar Hírlap”.1

Judit Varga: “In the European Union today, it is non-governmental organisations (NGOs), foundations and think tanks that tell Europe what to do, according to the will of their own leaders.”

Nobody has the courage and ability to lead Europe today, meaning there is no political leadership in the European Union, especially in the European Commission.

Judit Varga, Hungarian Justice Minister
(Picture wikipedia)

“Recently, for asymmetrical reasons, there has been a crisis of confidence between the EU leadership and the Hungarian government. This is because, unlike the EU institutions, the Hungarian government says what it thinks and does what it says.”

Varga said Europe was stumbling on the stage of history as a clumsy sideshow system, drifting from one crisis to the next. Since the migration crisis, it has tried to pursue policies that are completely detached from the actual needs of its citizens. The institutional system also failed during the Covid crisis and then shot itself in the foot with the sanctions against Russia after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war.

She warned that immigration is a crisis that is still affecting Europe and continues to weigh heavily on the Hungarian budget.

“At the same time, if we defend Europe, we must constantly fight against the judgments and procedures of the European Court of Justice”, she said. “Waiting for another slap in the face instead of doing a good deed is Hungary’s destiny.”

Varga pointed out that the EU made vaccine deals during the coronavirus crisis, but these text messages were never presented, citing the non-transparent case of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

“We make no secret of the fact that we want to hold the functioning of the institutions in the European Union accountable in terms of the rule of law. Let’s talk about whether the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European institutions comply with the rules, whether the rule of law works in the institutions,” said the minister.

On the issue of Hungary’s EU Council presidency next year, the European Parliament has no say, Varga said, stressing that more than 10 years ago a unanimous decision by the European Council set the rotation order of member states, which can only be changed unanimously. The presidency is not only a right but also a duty and opposing it will not achieve anything

by trying to do so, but it can do enormous damage.

According to the minister, the European Parliament wants to block the Hungarian EU presidency precisely because it fears that Hungary will take stock of the dysfunctional state of the EU institutions.

At the conference entitled “Will there be a turning point in the European Union?”, which took place in the conference hall of the Civic Hungary Foundation, Ágoston Sámuel Mráz, head of the Nézőpont Institute, first spoke about the expected changes in the elections to the European Parliament next year, which, according to his calculations, will not bring any significant change between the federalist and sovereigntist forces.

This autumn’s Slovak, Polish and Spanish general elections could have a much bigger impact on the functioning of the European Union, where in the event of a victory for the sovereign parties, a sovereign veto coalition could be formed in the European Council, which a federalist President of the European Commission could prevent, said Mráz.

The extent to which the EU’s turnaround policy is pursued by finance capital and controlled by think tanks has been presented by “tkp.at” by means of the “energy transition”.2

This policy is being pursued upon the instructions and close coordination with the wishes of the WEF grandees, finance capital and Western asset managers, as Hungary’s Minister of Justice also analyses.

The cooperation with corporations through the EU and European states contains all the hallmarks of Benito Mussolini's definition of fascism: “Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, for it is the fusion of corporate and governmental power.”

Source: https://tkp.at/2023/05/27/eu-macht-fuehrungslos-was-ngos-und-think-tanks-ihr-sagen-ungarische-ministerin, 27. Mai 2023

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

1 https://www.magyarhirlap.hu/belfold/20230525-varga-judit-a-kormany-az-ep-valasztasok-utan-is-ellenall-a-foderalistaknak-1

2 https://tkp.at/2023/05/26/ausblick-auf-die-energiewende-der-weg-zum-netto-nullpunkt-in-der-eu/

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