Joe Biden – a democratic turn?

Roland Hureaux (picture ma )

by Roland Hureaux*

It takes rare thoughtlessness to claim – as the majority of the European and American press, as well as Biden's supporters in the US presidential election, do – that Trump's defeat will save democracy.

What kind of democracy is that supposed to be, knowing that 90 percent of the American media was massively hostile towards him from the beginning, that the CEO of Facebook trumpeted over several months that he would decide who would win the election, that the Gafam1 bosses took the liberty of blocking the US president's tweets several weeks before the election, in order to deprive him of any possibility of expressing his opinion directly?

Quite obviously, the opposite is the case: if Joe Biden is elected president of the USA with such methods, it is because there is hardly any real democracy left in this country as elsewhere in the West. Make no mistake, the leaden constraints of political correctness on gender, race, climate, health and migration, will become much more burdensome for Americans as well as for us. Dark times are in store for us. The aggressiveness of the "democratic camp" will, after Donald Trump is eliminated, also want to eliminate the second enemy, Vladimir Putin. It will expose us to the worst dangers, the threat of war, which is much more serious and imminent than the threat of global warming with which we are being fed. In such a context, there is not much left of our freedom: nothing will stop the rise of the Mordor-empire.2

The problem is that many in this "democratic camp" are so blind that they themselves believe what they are saying. Leonid Brezhnev did not really believe in the superiority of the Soviet system. They, however, believe – beyond all reason – that Trump is threatening democracy and they do not want to see that they are the ones. They refuse to admit any anti-democratic scandals.

This blindness is the reason why the USA is on the brink of civil war today. Global free trade, gender theory, unlimited mixing of races and cultures are misconceived ideas. As soon as they are implemented by powerful people, they become ideologies. In this case, it is a combination of a superficial worldview and a messianic project – one based on an erroneous view of history, on a separation between self-proclaimed progressives (the vanguard of the caravan leading society into the abyss) and putative reactionaries. The ideologues [in the "democratic camp"] get furious when someone opposes their project, as Donald Trump has done. Such opposition is not simply a different opinion that can countered with arguments – no, it is proof that their ideology could be wrong, that they should question themselves altogether: hence the deep-seated hatred that ideologues feel for their opponents. Ideology takes precedence over all other considerations. The messianic dimension of their project accounts for their contempt for law and morality – for what Orwell (more topical than ever) called common decency, culture, democracy, the foundations of human nature. If, in a democracy, a significant part of the population is infected by the ideology virus, a compromise with the other side becomes impossible; and the moment it is not an ultra-minority, the ideology will lead to civil war. This is exactly what is happening in the USA before our very eyes.

1 Collective term for Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft.

2 Mordor = "The Dark Land". Term from the film trilogy "Lord of the Rings" by J. R. R. Tolkien.

* Roland Hureaux (1948) is a French historian and politically interested book author. He graduated from the "Ecole Nationale d'Administration" (ENA) in Paris and has been politically active at various levels. The maintenance of small-scale community structures and spatial planning adapted to the local population were and are of great concern to him.

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