“We need a European security architecture …”

(13 March 2022)

First peace through compromise,
then humanitarian assistance,
then reconciliation

– We only have this one planet!

I am worried about the “precedents of permissibility” which the international community seems to have accepted

When Israel attacked its Arab neighbours and occupied Palestine and the Golan Heights

– in total impunity;

When Turkey destroyed the territorial integrity of Cyprus, killed tens of thousands of Greek Cypriots in 1974, left thousands of disappeared persons, looted the churches and monasteries

– in total impunity;

When NATO destroyed the territorial integrity of Yugoslavia and bombarded Belgrade and the whole country

– in total impunity;

When NATO countries committed aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia

– in total impunity;

When Israel waged war on Lebanon and showered the country and the countryside with cluster bombs

– in total impunity;

When Saudi Arabia and the “coalition” blockaded Yemen, caused the greatest humanitarian catastrophe on the globe, continued bombarding civilians in Yemen

– in total impunity;

When Azerbaijan and Turkey – aided by Libyan and Syrian mercenaries – aggressed and devastated Nagorno Karabakh in September–November 2020

– in total impunity;

When Israel bombards Damascus

– in total impunity.

All these crimes should have been resolutely condemned by the international community as violations of UN Charter Art. 2(4).

Of course, the current Russian invasion of Ukraine is an egregious violation of the UN Charter – and must STOP!

Alas, it has precedents!

Where is no need for Ukrainian soldiers to be killing Russian soldiers and vice-versa they must not be sacrificed on the altar or imperial arrogance.

Remember Wilfred Owen's "Anthem for Doomed Youth" and Benjamin Britten's “War Requiem”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHNgfF19CTY

What we need is a European security architecture that takes into account the legitimate concerns of all countries!

In fact, we need a global security architecture –and a commitment to peace in good faith without broken promises in “Rechtssicherheit”.

The days of empire are over – and intransigence will only bring us more misery – see my book “Building a Just World Order”.
https://www.claritypress.com/product/building-a-just-world-order/ and its 25 Principles of International Order (chapter 2)

Pax optima rerum! (Peace is the best of things)

Geneva, 28 February 2022

Alfred de Zayas


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