Grain of sand

Petition to the Federal Council

Suzette Sandoz. (Photo

by Suzette Sandoz,* Lausanne

(31 October 2022) Well, here we go again! Yesterday evening (10 October), on the news of the French-speaking Swiss television RTS, we were presented with an article about – free of charge – vaccination, the fourth dose for people at risk or, quite simply, from the age of 16! We are again “shown” bare (ohhh) pricked shoulders and, above all, we are served up some deaths, some thousands of Covid cases, some hospitalisations, in short, the liturgy from which we had been spared for a while. And of course some testimonies (I get vaccinated because I am a teacher, because I am a nurse – undercurrent: to protect others!); it is true that one also heard one person who refused vaccination, but without any justification. AND the whole thing is under the responsibility of the FOPH [Federal Office of Public Health].

So, dear Federal Council, have mercy. It is common knowledge that vaccination does not protect “the others”, as it neither prevents one from contracting Covid nor from passing it on. So you don’t get vaccinated to protect others.

It is common knowledge – Mr Ignazio Cassis [Federal Councillor, Department of Foreign Affairs and President of the Confederation for 2022] himself, confirmed this in an interview – that people do not necessarily distinguish between deaths from Covid and deaths with Covid. So let us be suspicious of statistics.

It is assumed – but not proven – that the vaccine protects against severe disease. In fact, it is not known whether unvaccinated people hospitalised because of Covid would have “got away” differently if they had been vaccinated. Furthermore, it would have to be known what type of “Covid” virus they had contracted, which is by no means always the case.

Official, public and objective reporting on the “serious negative consequences” of vaccination in Switzerland is still pending.

Is the sudden flare-up of cancer in friends “natural” or due to the vaccine? Is this general inflammation of joints and muscles, which has become totally unbearable, in other friends “natural” or due to the vaccine? Is this sudden, total and uncontrollable diabetic disorder in another friend “natural” or caused by the vaccine? How many of our friends and acquaintances who have been vaccinated have had painful, disabling or strange symptoms for weeks or months, small strokes for example, unusual disabling bowel complaints, a catastrophic resumption of bleeding after the menopause? Some people hear from their doctor that this is a result of vaccination, but many don’t consider this cause as well as their own doctor. And anyway, there is very little serious follow-up of vaccinated people. Moreover, the systematic vaccination of “persons at risk” guarantees a strong doubt about the reason for the sudden deterioration of their health or even their death.

Dear Federal Council, please keep a tight rein on the FOPH and demand clarity and honesty before you allow your citizens to be asked to take a fourth dose – even free of charge – or sometimes just a first one, and from the age of 16. You must ensure that we can all exercise our judgement freely and without discrimination. Thank you in advance.

* Suzette Sandoz was born in 1942. She is an honorary professor of family and inheritance law, a former member of the Grand Council of the canton of Vaud and a former member of the Swiss National Council.

Source:,  11 October 2022

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

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