Scandalous action against Swiss neutrality

Federal Berne goes to war as a stooge for the “International Criminal Court”!

(4 October 2023) (Lauterbrunnen, 22 September 2023.) The non-partisan “Pro Schweiz” states that in the past it was Switzerland’s claim, duty and noble task, on the basis of its credible neutrality and as a depositary state of the International Humanitarian Law of war, to ensure that human dignity and the rights of those suffering were respected by all (!) warring parties. The aim was always to ensure that all warring parties were treated equally.

At the same time, neutral Switzerland was a credible mediator in peace diplomacy and provided the Good Offices for this purpose. As a neutral country, it was designated in the 19th century by the great powers of the time as the headquarters of the “International Red Cross” (ICRC), and until recently it was respected and taken seriously. Only in this way was it possible for the ICRC to fulfil its humanitarian tasks between the fronts.

Peace diplomacy requires integral neutrality. (Photo jpv)

Agenda contrary to neutrality

Shortly after the start of the Ukraine war, an agenda was launched in Bern that is increasingly destroying the credibility of neutrality. Switzerland, which until then had acted independently in foreign policy, degraded itself to a puppet of the USA and the EU. Ridiculous actions followed, such as the “trip” to Kiev by National Council President Irène Kälin in May 2022, which was staged with great media hype, and the video appearance of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the National Council chamber during the federal summer session.

More serious, for example, is the willingness in Bern to sell Leopard 2 main battle tanks from Swiss army stocks to Germany. This “ring swap” fills gaps in the German armed forces following the transfer of German tanks to Ukraine. This means that heavy Swiss war equipment is going to the war zone. Completely unleashed and without any democratic backing, the DDPS [Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport] and army leadership is preparing a NATO war partnership behind the scenes at high speed.

Switzerland as a stooge of the ICC

Now Switzerland has positioned itself as a stooge of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Swiss officials are to conduct missions together with the Ukrainian judiciary, police, and army with the aim of investigating Russian war crimes. Swiss officials travel to the front in armoured vehicles and based on Ukrainian communication infrastructure. They literally go to war together with a war party and want to pillory the war party Russia. At the same time, they look the other way to see whether Ukraine is complying with its obligations under International Law. Federal Bern is trying by all means to keep this mission, which is contrary to neutrality, under the carpet, apparently knowing that the whole exercise is a scandal.

The ICC mission must be stopped

The mission abandons all previous principles of foreign and neutrality policy. The necessary equal treatment by neutral Switzerland, which is the absolute basis for successful peace diplomacy and for urgently needed humanitarian aid for all those suffering, is being deliberately destroyed by EU-NATO accession fanatics who are driven by an irrational, un-Swiss desire for great power.

“These circles are acting massively against the interests and security of Switzerland and its people. Pro Schweiz demands that the mission be stopped immediately!”, says Stephan Rietiker, President of Pro Schweiz. It is not the task of neutral Switzerland to act as an “investigator” for the International Criminal Court. Pro Schweiz demands from politicians that the background of this activism be revealed to the public, that the role of Fedpol chief Nicoletta della Valle be investigated and that foreign policy, and especially neutrality policy, finally be put back on track so that neutral Switzerland can once again credibly assume its traditional, successful role in the world community.

Even before the submission of the Neutrality initiative,* Pro Schweiz will examine and work out further measures so that the harmful goings-on in Bern can be stopped and the tasks of neutral Switzerland listed in the introduction can once again be fulfilled.

Source:, 22 September 2023

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

* For further information and to obtain signature sheets for the Federal Popular Initiative “Safeguarding Swiss neutrality” click here:

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