Great Reset – the elite backs the Greens

Ernst Wolff (Picture pma)

A commentary by Ernst Wolff

(15 October 2021) Edit. Shortly before the Bundestag elections, the author precisely and succinctly summarises the role of the German "Greens": the transformation from an anti-nuclear and peace party to the party of functionaries of globalist elites.

We are currently experiencing one of the greatest upheavals in human history. The economic and financial system that enabled a tiny minority to dominate the majority of people for centuries has broken down and can no longer be kept alive with the methods used so far.

In order to nevertheless retain control over society, the minority has apparently decided to replace the existing system with a new one. How this is to be done has been described by one of its most important representatives, Klaus Schwab, director of the World Economic Forum (WEF), in his book “The Great Reset”: Not by Gradual Transformation, but by Creative Destruction.

There is a reason for this aggressive approach. For at the heart of the new system is the abolition of the classical banking system and the introduction of a new money, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This new money will restrict people’s freedom in an unprecedented way and subject them to complete control by the minority and the state working in their interests.

Under normal circumstances, the introduction of such a compulsory money system would meet with considerable resistance among the population and would therefore hardly be enforceable within the framework of democratic conditions. Therefore, the elite is obviously pursuing the following plan: to create the greatest possible economic and social chaos in order to bring about a general state of emergency and then come up with a panacea: the Universal Basic Income, which disguises nothing other than the introduction of digital central bank money through the back door.

Part of this plan has already come to fruition. The world economy has been irreparably damaged by the lockdowns and numerous dictatorial measures, all in the name of health. But for some time now, the narrative of an ultra-dangerous disease has been crumbling. More and more people are beginning to doubt it.

For this reason, by all indications, the elite is currently preparing for a change of strategy. It consists of replacing the health emergency with a climate-related emergency. Already, the actors who should make this change have been selected as well: the Greens, who have advocated the harshest restrictions in the context of the health crisis and whose climate scaremongering for years should make it easy for them to make a policy shift and advocate similarly drastic measures to supposedly save the planet.

Unfortunately, many people, especially younger ones, do not see through the political game the Greens have been playing with the public for years. The following information should give them food for thought:

The Greens emerged from the anti-nuclear and peace movements in the 1980s. In their early days, they campaigned for an immediate shutdown of all nuclear power plants, for disarmament and for Germany to leave the NATO military alliance.

Already in the 1990s they threw these principles overboard. In coalition with the SPD, they granted nuclear power plants a remaining life span of 30 years and participated in the war in Yugoslavia despite all protestations of peace. A little more than a decade later, they actively contributed to the escalation of the Libya conflict and thus supported another NATO-led war.

So much for the sincerity of a party that in the current election campaign likes to advertise with the dove of peace and the slogan “We stand for peace and human rights”.

If this information is not enough to critically assess the policies of the Greens, the following information is recommended:

From 2008 to 2018, the party had itself led by Cem Özdemir, a Young Global Leader from the school of Klaus Schwab's WEF, the world's most important network of the ultra-rich elite. The top candidate in the current election campaign is Annalena Baerbock, who is also one of the Young Global Leaders and thus stands in a row with Jens Spahn, Theodor zu Guttenberg, Wolfgang Kubicki, Angela Merkel and international warmongers like Tony Blair.

And if that is not enough to finally withdraw your sympathy for the Greens, take a look at their donation policy:

In 2010, the Green parliamentary group proposed to introduce an annual cap on party donations of 100,000 euros.

For the current election campaign, the Greens accepted a donation of 500,000 euros in February from the heir of the pharmaceutical company Schwarz Pharma.1 Two months later, they even received a donation of one million euros from the software developer Moritz Schmidt.2

Incidentally, the Greens would not be the Greens if they had not also added to this political somersault backwards with the remark that Mr Schmidt now views the Bitcoin system critically, “among other things also against the background that the necessary computing operations consume huge amounts of electricity.”

If, despite this information, you still intend to vote Green on 26 September, you should at least look at the following quote from Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, before doing so: “The perfect dictatorship will have the appearance of a democracy, will seem like a prison without walls, where the prisoners do not even dream of breaking out.”

For a better understanding of green politics, one could add the following to Huxley: The prisoners don't even dream of breaking out because they think the walls of their prison are a wall of protection – either against deadly diseases or against the effects of climate change.

* Ernst Wolff was born in 1950 in Southeast Asia. He is a German journalist and author whose interests include the interrelationship between international politics and global finance.

Source:, 6 September 2021

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)




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