“The turning point is coming!”

Peter Hänseler. (Photo ma)

The outcry in the west will be deafening

by Peter Hänseler*

(25 April 2023) Western media are full of emotional stories about war and banking crises but missing the story of the century. The outcry in the West will be deafening when commodities must once again be paid for with money of value.

I reported in a recent article1 about the West’s pitiful coverage of the Ukraine conflict: after a year of war, it turns out that Western “coverage” amounted to nothing – it was all propaganda and little of it reflected the truth. And now the reality is becoming less and less consistent with the reporting.

“This is alarming”

We have reached the point in the West where many are getting used to, or already resigned to, defending the “truth” as propagated in the Western media to such an extent that questioning such a view is tantamount to treason.

The level has thus reached the same point as in the Middle Ages, when the Catholic Church told its sheep what to do – or else burn at the stake.

“If you are told and believe that 2 + 2 is 5, sooner or later you will have a problem with your bookkeeping.”

This is alarming. Instead of pointing out the lousy quality of the Western media, it is those who point it out who are being criticized and even attacked.

Yet, the biggest development – the coming together of the rest of the world – is something that the West does not like to take note of. The facts, in my opinion, are on the table – the secession of the East could soon be underway and descend upon an ill-informed Western population unable to prepare itself, thanks to a press that prefers to indulge in propaganda rather than fulfilling its role as the fourth power.

The East is dropping the US dollar

In my opinion, the world is in a secession war in which the Global South (approx. 80% of humanity) wants to free itself from the Global West dependency (roughly USA, UK, EU, CH, JP, AUS, ROK Republic of Korea). This is only possible if the rest of the world breaks away from the petrodollar. I already wrote an article on this in April 2022 entitled “Endgame for the Petrodollar”.2

The aspirations of BRICS+, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and many other organisations are obvious. Such developments are either not covered at all in the Western media or glossed over with arrogance: “The few developing countries!” Again, I wrote an article on this entitled “The Unstoppable Rise of the East”.3

A peace storm

More has happened in international diplomacy over the last few weeks than over the last 30 years.

In Beijing, Saudis reconciled with the Iranians: they had been mortal enemies for decades. Apparently, Beijing managed to convince them both that it was better to stand together and do business than to fight against each other: both Iran and Saudi Arabia are about to join BRICS+.

Russians bring Turkey and Syria to the table. Here, too, the big players are pressuring the belligerents to finally solve the Syria problem.

At long last, it was announced that Saudi Arabia and Syria would resume diplomatic relations after more than 10 years.

This is very good news for the people in the countries concerned. Because such peace efforts originate from China and Russia, they have been ridiculed or not even seriously analysed in the West.

The reason for this is human: no Western state was involved in these diplomatic successes. Is China becoming the new Switzerland – as a mediator between belligerents?

The deal seems to be sealed

I see these developments, however, as a turning point: The meeting of Presidents Xi and Putin in Moscow could well mark the sealing of the economic secession.

“Then the US dollar is dead.”

Words are well chosen in both China’s and Russia’s diplomacy, even simply by getting into a car to say goodbye. We will be reminded of Xi’s words many times in the future.

Concluding remarks

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the big organisations like BRICS+ and SCO proclaimed a new payment system very soon. A payment system that would have its own gold and/or commoditybased currency and force the West to source its commodities in that currency.

The pathological silence of the West could be an indication that they have opted for an ostrich policy, because the facts are on the table.

This would be a disaster for the Western FIAT currencies if, after more than 50 years, the West had to pay for their raw materials with money of value again – with money that cannot be printed.

* Peter Hänseler, born in 1964, studied law (lic. iur.) and business law (Dr. iur.) at the University of Zurich. After being admitted to the bar in the canton of Zurich, he completed a master's degree in American law (LL.M.) at Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.) He speaks German, English and Russian and lives in Moscow for private and cultural reasons. On his blog he reports on geopolitical and geo-economic topics.

Source: https://voicefromrussia.ch/die-wende-kommt-deraufschrei-im-westen-wird-ohrenbetaubend-sein/, 25 March 2023

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

1 https://voicefromrussia.ch/pitoyable-berichterstattung-uber-den-ukrainekonflikt/

2 https://voicefromrussia.ch/endspiel-um-den-petro-dollar/

3 https://voicefromrussia.ch/der-unaufhaltbare-aufstieg-des-ostens/

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