Call for peace

Stand up for survival

written on 31 January 2023, published on 4 February 2023
The list of signatories was updated on 25 February 2023

Deeply concerned about life and survival in the centre of Europe, we address this appeal primarily to the people of German-speaking European countries. With a diversity of socio-political views, we are sustained by the common conviction that at no time since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 has our world been so close to catastrophe. If the delusional enthusiasm for war currently being fomented in the mass media is not effectively counteracted, there is a great danger the Ukraine war will lead to the use of nuclear weapons in Europe.

The multi-layered confrontations between the forces seeking unipolar world domination and those in favour of a multipolar world order have already caused devastation in Yugoslavia, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen, among others. The military clashes in Ukraine since 2014 represent a part of this global development.

In the midst of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis was a wake-up call. Unlike today, at that time the two great powers sought a concession in their mutual interest. Thus, among other things, the Ballistic Missile Defence Treaties and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaties, which have since been discarded, were negotiated.

Negotiated peace agreements are based less on trust than on the mutual understanding that the alternative found is in the interest of both sides. We raise our voices for immediate peace negotiations and against those beating the war drums who demand a continuation of the war “until Ukraine wins” and the corresponding arms deliveries.

Our fate is on a knife’s edge!

Now it is important to counteract the omnipresent beating of war drums in an informative way through diverse actions, so that survival can be secured.

V.i.S.d.P.: Wolfgang Effenberger,
Dorfmoos 12, 82343 Pöcking, Germany

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It was not the aim of the initiators of the appeal to start a new petition, to form a signature campaign or to call for concrete protest actions. The aim was to take a stand in the sense of survival. Every person who feels addressed by this appeal should, taking into account his or her own abilities and possibilities, “counteract the omnipresent beating of war drums in an informative way”, “to ensure survival”.

(The updated list of signatories as of 25 February 2023 includes 510 signatories)

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

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