Without reappraisal of the pandemic – WHO-treaties must not be ratified

mRNA-“vaccine” – criminal complaint against Swissmedic

by Ursula Cross

(17 May 2024) The special print of the “Criminal complaint against Swissmedic” gives a comprehensive impression of what went wrong during the pandemic to be better prepared for the future. The criminal complaint is an important legal part of coming to terms with the coronavirus period, as is also necessary for all other areas of society.

During the Covid pandemic, there have been severe restrictions on Switzerland’s ability to act. The Swiss parliament suspended itself in 2020 and followed the WHO. This had and continues to have serious consequences for the Swiss population. All fundamental rights were affected.

The criminal complaint against Swissmedic – the authorisation agency for mRNA injections – scrutinises this period. According to the authors, “it is suspected that the authorisation of the novel mRNA vaccines violates the Therapeutic Products Act and that Swissmedic is misleading the public about the effective risk-benefit profile of the mRNA product. The presumption of innocence naturally applies to all persons implicated”, states Philipp Kruse, attorney at law, who is leading the criminal complaint, in his lecture at the WHO Symposium in Zurich on 20 April.

He continues:

It is imperative to review the situation before new regulations are passed, be it with the current revision of the Epidemics Act (EpG) and, most recently, with the planned WHO treaties.”

The WHO World Health Assembly will take place in the last week of May. All 194 countries will vote there on the following two treaties to be discussed.

The Pandemic Treaty and the amended International Health Regulations (IHR) are to be adopted by all countries. Before that, however, citizens need answers to the following important questions:

  • What are the concrete effects of the WHO treaties?
  • Will the WHO be able to suspend fundamental principles of our constitution in the future?
  • Can the WHO interfere with our normality?

However, the biggest point of criticism in both sets of rules is the point on infodemics:

In a declared “special situation” – when the WHO identifies or fears a Public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) – only the UN or the WHO determine what so-called fake news should be. (This is also already included in the EpG mentioned above).

Therefore a “no” to the ratification of the WHO treaties by Switzerland.

Special print of the criminal complaint for interested laypersons

Swissmedic is the authorisation and control authority for therapeutic products in Switzerland and is based in Bern. It is affiliated to the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA).

The criminal complaint against Swissmedic is “a relentless reappraisal with an incredible density of evidence that leaves no doubt that the mRNA injections should never have been authorised.” Stefan W. Hockertz, immunologist, pharmacologist and toxicologist.

Criminal charges 1.0 and 2.0

The following text is taken from the brochure “Strafanzeige gegen Swissmedic. Sonderdruck: Executive Summary 2.0 of 7 February 2024”:1

Philipp Kruse, LL.M., attorney-at-law, was able to realise this ambitious project thanks to the great perseverance, motivation, and high level of commitment of an interdisciplinary team. They also received valuable support from external experts. The result is a comprehensively updated and more precise criminal complaint 2.0 with much more substance than would be necessary for the legally required proof of initial suspicion.” (Page VIII)

Publication 1.0

On 14 July 2022, Philipp Kruse filed “Criminal complaint 1.0” against Swissmedic with the competent public prosecutor’s office on behalf of vaccination victims, which was made public in November 2022.

Publication 2.0

In view of the seriousness of the damage to public health, which is still ongoing and will be further increased by subsequent authorisations, we felt obliged to supplement criminal complaint 1.0 with additional sources.

As all the original allegations had been emphatically confirmed and even more were added, a comprehensive revision was ultimately unavoidable. In criminal complaint 2.0, we use a comprehensive risk-benefit analysis to demonstrate that the mRNA products are associated with a (clearly) negative benefit. Swissmedic is still misleading the public about this and many other circumstances. Accordingly, accusations that have already been made, such as that of falsification of documents in office, have been tightened.

The updated criminal complaint 2.0 was submitted to the public prosecutor’s office on 7 February 2024 and made available to the public again at the end of March 2024.”2

Special print

The “Executive Summary 2.0” of 24 February 2024 is a summary of a criminal complaint that is unique in many respects, comprising around 1150 pages. It is intended to enable the interested layperson to understand all the key scientific findings and all the decisive legal conclusions of the investigation, which has grown over two years.

Protection against future risks

The criminal complaint has far-reaching significance. It concerns Swissmedic’s criticised mRNA authorisation practice, which urgently needs to be investigated by the prosecution authorities and the political supervisory bodies.

The focus is on protecting the population from risky and ineffective medicinal products in the future.

Today, we are in a situation where the safety standards for the authorisation of experimental substances could be lowered even further for dubious reasons by

  • The draft revision of the Swiss Epidemics Act, which will soon be discussed in the Federal Parliament,
  • The WHO pandemic treaty, which will be voted on at the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva at the end of May 2024.

Thousands of mRNA victims

It’s not just about protecting against future risks from hastily authorised medicinal products, but also about thousands of mRNA victims who are still being denied the medical products and financial support they urgently need. It is therefore in the interest of all of us that this issue should be brought to the attention of the public and the parliaments of Switzerland.” (Page IX)

Overcoming division and reconciliation

Overcoming the division of society and reconciliation can only succeed if responsibility for injustices committed is fully clarified and atoned for. This goal is served by the present comprehensive, meticulous, and careful examination of the legally relevant facts and their accurate and comprehensible legal assessment, so that much human suffering is not repeated.” (Page XIII)

What can the individual person do: Read and recommend this booklet. Demand that politicians and the media critically scrutinise the approval of “Covid-19 vaccines”.

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

1 Philipp Kruse. Criminal complaint against Swissmedic, Special print: Executive Summary 2.0 from 7 February 2024, order at: https://corona-complaint.ch/summary/

2 https://corona-complaint.ch

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