“Decision on the battlefield”?

Willy Wimmer (Photo ma)

That sounds like 1944 – tones from Berlin, Brussels and Washington awaken memories

by Willy Wimmer,* Germany

(30 May 2022) The war rhetoric in Washington, Brussels and Berlin accepts escalation and denies its own responsibility. In the process, the impoverishment of the population and the end of Europe are threatened. Politicians act as if this is none of their business.

The tone of voice from Berlin, Brussels and Washington brings back memories. While in Germany anyone who is not tuned into the mainstream must expect to be accused of being an extremist or, at worst, a Nazi at any time, the public statements from the respective leaderships sound like they did in 1944 or 1945.

Leading Greens and EU commissioners rant about “decisions that have to be sought on the battlefield”. The obvious impoverishment of the German people for a misguided war policy is subordinated to a higher purpose so that resistance against it can be crushed as quickly as possible.

A common thread running through the still-permitted reporting is the realisation that we are dealing with the terrible war in Ukraine as a visible consequence of a war between the United States and the Russian Federation that has been raging for a long time.

In international news channels such as Al Jazeera, Anglo-Saxon specialists can be heard saying that the events in Ukraine must be seen in a historical context to the US sanctions policy towards the Empire of Japan before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.

But it is not just that Western politicians are looking for decisions in the war against Russia. The German Defence Minister let herself be heard on 21 April 2022, saying that a Russian victory in Ukraine must be prevented. And then Berlin declares that it does not want to be a party to the war and wants to see the war limited to Ukraine.

At the rate at which positions that were once firm and convincing in terms of international law are generally being swept away by the West, we will end up in the Third World War sooner than any of us would like. And then?

Now it seems to be a matter of making the West forget the history leading up to this war by means of the armed conflict in Ukraine. Otherwise, we might soon ask ourselves why an entire country had to be devastated and why large parts of the world are threatened with famine. What did Russia contribute to this war and what did the USA?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has almost mantra-like and especially in the last year, openly stated his country’s positions in Europe and the world. Recently, the Chinese president and President Putin still wanted the USA to confirm compliance with the UN Charter. More is not possible, as this Charter was already the consequence of the last devastating world war.

One can look at every single statement made by the Russian president and then ask oneself whether objective denial of any substantive talks and negotiations by the collective West has deliberately brought about war.

These questions alone make it clear that under any circumstances, after the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, such a discussion must not take place in the West. That is why the Western slogan is: “Victory at all costs”.

With the visible dynamics of this development, one talks about the use of nuclear weapons as a matter of course. The end of Europe is war, regardless of whether it is conventional or nuclear. The Greens and the FDP and others are acting as if this is none of their business.

* Willy Wimmer is a German lawyer and politician. From 1976 to 2009 he was a member of the Bundestag. In 1985 and 1992 he was spokesman for the CDU/CSU and subsequently Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Defence. From 1994 to 2000, he was Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Willy Wimmer regularly takes independent and staunch positions on issues related to Germany and international politics. He frequently publishes articles and books.

Source: https://cooptv.wordpress.com/2022/04/21/entscheidung-auf-dem-schlachtfeld-das-klingt-wie-1944-von-willy-wimmer/. (Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

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