The clock is ticking – no war in Europe!

Europe must not become a battlefield

by Robert Seidel

(29 January 2022) The situation is coming to a frightening head behind the flood of Corona news: Washington is letting the latest negotiations with Russia go nowhere. The risk of armed action is growing. If there is a military escalation between Russia and the USA, the battlefield will be Europe.

Russia is insisting on its security interests – no NATO in Ukraine; but NATO is arming Ukraine – each government could decide according to their own interests.

Systematic war preparation since 2014

Although most media outlets have hardly reported it: in Ukraine, the systematic rearmament by some NATO countries against Russia has been going on continuously since 2014. In recent months, the United States and Britain alone have delivered military equipment to the Ukraine worth some several hundred million dollars.

Meanwhile, NATO, under the political-military leadership of the United States, has evaded most of the negotiations and diplomatic contacts with Russia – an alarming step towards war. Stabilisation or peace-promoting measures have been and are being cancelled or omitted by NATO in recent months.

Europe incapacitated

Negotiations between France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia in the framework of the Normandy format (Minsk agreements) were sabotaged by the United States through its influence in Ukraine. The Europeans were thus deprived of their power.

If the United States negotiate with Russia, it is Europe that is at stake. Unfortunately, the voice of Europe itself is now only heard as an echo of Washington in the person of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Even the EU under Ursula von der Leyen remains strangely aligned. It seems to be more closely linked to the United States than the people of Europe would like.

Europe’s future is at stake

Who is defending Europe’s vital interests? The territory of an armed conflict will be in Europe – not the United States! The likelihood of a nuclear weapons being used is increasing. The consequences of a nuclear conflict cannot be assessed. They can definitively seal the future of Europe.

Where are Europe’s politicians?

Where are the European politicians of stature? Where are the ones who are seriously committed to Europe? Who is bringing in Europe’s interests into the negotiations?

Have all our politicians now been twisted in US-led Young Leader courses or are there still independent minds? Who are the ones on the American drip and no longer able to decide freely? When it gets close, do they all want to escape nuclear contamination with the “last plane” à la Saigon or Kabul?

Where are the strong characters, where are their political supporters defending Europe? Who feels bound to support the clear “call of former German generals and ambassadors”? Who supports the prudent “Appeal of the Willy Brandt Circle”? Where is the media’s commitment to a peaceful path?

Lies of war

Let us recall the “Tonkin lie” before the US entry into the war against North Vietnam (1964), the “incubator lie” at the beginning of the 2nd Gulf War (1990), NATO’s “defence alliance” to invade Afghanistan (2001) advanced after 9/11, US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s “weapons of mass destruction lie” to trigger the Iraq war (2003). What will be the next lie or “false flag” operation from Washington to provoke a new war?

Swiss neutrality

In our country, too, the desire for far-sighted parliamentarians and federal councilors is growing stronger. Instead of vying for a seat on the UN Security Council, our immediate future should attract more interest. It is a good thing that negotiations can be held in Geneva; it suits our country well. But it requires an inherent active neutrality policy!

These weeks are about Europe’s future! About us and our children!

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