"Unfortunately, NATO is not better than Putin!"

Jürgen Todenhöfer (Photo wikipedia)

by Jürgen Todenhöfer, Germany*

Putin is waging war against Ukraine in violation of international law. There is no excuse for this. Nor does NATO's systematic encirclement of Russia over many years justify the killing of innocent Ukrainian civilians. War is always sh ...

But haven't our Western and German leaders committed exactly the same crimes for decades? But worse? In Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Mali, etc. Didn't NATO countries murder millions (!) of innocent people there? Those warmongers are now claiming to be champions of peace. What a hypocrisy!

I have been present at all these wars. I have seen women, children and men die. Did Chancellor Scholz and his colleagues, including Chancellor Merkel, ever really oppose such a policy? In the Iraqi city of Mosul, 40,000 civilians were killed between 2015 and 2017 alone under US command. The German Air Force was carrying out the reconnaissance flights. Almost nobody in the West showed any interest in this.

Has the newspaper BILD, the powerful fan club of our warmongers, ever complained against the brutality of the illegal wars waged by Western countries, has it called for German weapons supplies to countries under attack by the USA, such as Iraq or Afghanistan?

At the same time when NATO countries seek to exclude Russia from the international community because of its violations of our "values", they shamelessly exploit even the poorest countries in the world by enslaving their children and making them work in mines for their prosperity. Like here in Congo, where I am currently experiencing first-hand the Western exploitation by child slaves in the raw material mines.

Yes, Russia's war in Ukraine is illegal. There is nothing to fiddle about. But wars waged by our politicians are certainly no less serious.

I have witnessed ten of these wars. I have seen NATO killings. And I have talked to the children who are enslaved and exploited by the rich countries. No, NATO leaders, you are not better than Putin. You are just better ... hypocrites. Just look at the mirror!

* Jürgen Todenhöfer, *1940, German politician (formerly CDU, since 2020: Team Todenhöfer), journalist and former media manager. A doctor of law, he was a CDU member of the Bundestag from 1972 to 1990. From 1980 onwards, he was one of the bestknown German supporters of the mujahideen and their guerrilla warfare against the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. From 1987 to 2008, he worked as a member of the board of the Burda media group. Since the beginning of the 2000s, Todenhöfer has been involved in opposing the US military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq. He has published several books and numerous contributions. Todenhöfer has been visiting the world's crisis are￾as for decades and describes bluntly the conditions he encounters and their background.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=509923947168123&set=a.270635351096985, March 3, 2022
(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

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