CDU/CSU sends incessant "SOS"

Willy Wimmer (Photo ma)

by Willy Wimmer,* Germany

(27 October 2021) If the CDU/CSU wants to make itself politically capable of acting once again in the future, all the leaders who made the path to Ms. Dr Merkel’s doom possible in the first place through cowardice, irresponsibility and cowarding should be put on the political siding.

On 11 October 2021, the leadership of the CDU tried to quickly put in a mezzanine floor for the demolition house before the fire from the attic eats its way into the foundations. At the same time, no one can currently say that the notorious smoldering fires have not long since arrived there. The crackdown is as incomprehensible as it is inevitable. It’s incomprehensible because the leaderships of the sister parties are virtually falling over Armin Laschet, the candidate for chancellor, with a will to kill.

After all, it was not he who had orchestrated the silence of the governing bodies for sixteen years vis-à-vis the tolerated autocrat. Everything culminated in the fact that the chancellor/party chairwoman, while in a distant country, leaves behind her own constitution as the standard of all government action and rises to considerations of a “German raison d’état”, while in her own country she had and has suspended the raison d’état given in the protection of Germany alone.

September 2015 is and remains the sign on the wall for Germany’s doom. The future will show us that dramatically, when people are already fighting against the “disgusting, white majority society”. Those who wanted to help from the bottom of their hearts have to face reality more and more. Anyone who loses sight of the German raison d’état, which consists of respect for the democratic constitutional state, or who wants to lose it, has not understood his or her oath of office.

If the CDU/CSU wants to make itself politically capable of acting once again in the future, all of the leading figures who made the path to Ms. Dr. Merkel’s doom possible in the first place through cowardice, irresponsibility and cowering belong on the political siding. If they had directed only a small part of the zeal – that they are currently directing at Armin Laschet – to that, Germany and the CDU/CSU would be in a better position today.

One must even ask oneself whether this unleashed will to destroy goes beyond what one is capable of understanding in political life. It is not only the man Laschet who is to be erased from the annals of the Union. All the political options associated with his work are to be wiped out, from the possibility of a coalition to a moderate policy toward Moscow and Beijing. Here in Germany, it seems, only a layer of third party lackeys is supposed to call the shots, while one sits on the couch with Moscow and Beijing oneself. Just in these days it becomes clear how between Aachen, Vienna, Prague, and soon probably Paris, all those are sorted out who are still capable of talking to Moscow.

The personnel wreckage of the Merkel era must disappear if the CDU/CSU is to regain face.

But that is only half the story. What is at stake is made clear these days by the Polish Constitutional Court. Should EU-Europe, which as an association of sovereign nation states wanted to face the challenges of the future, hold in its hands the instrument to serve this purpose in “Brussels”? Or should the purpose of EU-Europe be to work for the undemocratic moloch in order to further inflate the water head and to let Washington conditions take hold in Europe?

Every new personnel decision in the Union will be measured by whether one follows the postulates of De Gaulle, de Gasperi and Adenauer and today of the Polish Constitutional Court or those of Mr. Gates or Mr. Soros.

It is not enough to send a political generation in the Union into the deserved wilderness. One must know how new people think before one has to watch breathlessly how the Union develops into an outpost of transatlantic networks because the organized election defeat of Armin Laschet was anything but a coincidence to catapult the Union onto the “Blocksberg” in such a way as was already intended in 1992 when the Union was supposed to go the way of the Italian friends.

It remains to be seen whether the founding charter will be the yardstick for future action in the rebuilding of the CDU/CSU, or whether consulting firms will be in the driving seat. Only when the citizen as “citoyen” again takes over the Union and, through the Union, the state, will there be a future for the Union.

* Willy Wimmer is a German lawyer and politician. From 1976 to 2009 he was a member of the Bundestag. In 1985 and 1992 he was spokesman for the CDU/CSU and subsequently Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Defence. From 1994 to 2000, he was Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Willy Wimmer regularly takes independent and staunch positions on issues related to Germany and international politics. He frequently publishes articles and books.

12 Oktober 2021

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)

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