Latin America

“Mexico is a free, independent and sovereign country”

The president of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
(Picture keystone/AFP/Pedro Pardo)

Harsh criticism towards the EU parliament

(14 April 2022) Mexico's President López Obrador is fighting back against a resolution passed by the EU Parliament on 10 March 2022 condemning Mexico for alleged violations of press freedom and journalists’ rights. Obrador had criticised the corporate media that systematically work against the socially committed government. These corporations are owned by influential oligarchs. Some mainstream media in the country published demonstrably fake news aimed at bringing down the government’s reform projects.

Strikingly, the EU Parliament has intervened actively in political disputes in Latin America on more than one occasion:

• In 2019, the EU Parliament recognised the unelected US-appointed coup leader Juan Guaidó as the supposed “president” of Venezuela in place of the incumbent Nicolas Maduro.

• In the same year, the EU Parliament supported a violent coup against Evo Morales, the democratically elected president of Bolivia, the first and only indigenous head of state in the history of the nation state.

• In 2021, the EU Parliament honoured Bolivian coup leader Jeanine Añez by making her a finalist for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.

Below, we document the committed response of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The Mexican President’s office sent the following letter to the EU Parliament on 10 March 2022. “” has translated the letter from its Spanish original into English.

“We are no longer a colony of anyone.”

To the members of the European Parliament:

“Enough with the corruption, lies, and hypocrisies.

It is unfortunate that you all are allowing yourself to become flunkies of the reactionary and coup-plotting strategy of the corrupt group that is opposed to the Fourth Transformation, driven by millions of Mexicans to confront the monstrous inequality and violence inherited by the neoliberal economic policies that were imposed on our country for 36 years.
Know, European lawmakers that Mexico has ceased to be a land of conquest, and, as in very few occasions in your history, it values freedom-loving principles like equality and democracy.
Here no one is repressed; the freedom of expression and work of journalists is respected. The state does not violate human rights as it happened with previous governments, when you all, by the way, were complicit in your silence.
Mexico is a pacifist country that has chosen non-violence, and we support dialogue, not war. We don’t send weapons to any country under any circumstance, as you all are doing now.
If we were in the situation that you all describe in your resolution, our president would not be supported by 66% of the citizens, as was published yesterday in a poll by the firm Morning Consult, which puts him [López Obrador] in second place among the presidents of the world’s largest countries.
By the way, that is higher approval than European leaders.
For the next [declaration], inform yourselves and carefully read your resolutions before voting.
And don’t forget that we are no longer a colony of anyone. Mexico is a free, independent, and sovereign country.
Evolve, leave behind your obsessive meddling disguised as good intentions. You all are not the world government.
And don’t forget what was said by that giant of the Americas, President Benito Juárez: ‘Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace.’”
Source: from 11 March 2022

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