Rebooting electronic voting?

The Swiss federal administration does not give up

(30 January 2021)  ts. The best way to lose the trust of others is to try to pressure or rehearse the same bad ideas over and over again. Why is the Swiss federal government so eager to introduce e-voting in Switzerland?

Since the last rebuff in November 2019, the facts have hardly changed. The Swiss Post's "secure" electronic voting system had failed the tests. Has anything fundamental changed in the meantime?

On the contrary, just before Christmas 2020, top-secret data from the US Department of Commerce and Treasury was the subject of a cyber attack. Was it the Russians, private hackers or their own staff? Almost at the same time, the Swiss Confederation’s Chancellor Walter Thurnherr, in agreement with cantonal secretaries of state, announced the renewal of a Federal proposal allowing the cantons to restart tests for electronic voting. The gigantic and almost traditional inconsistencies and the disappearance of large numbers of votes in the electronic nirvana of the November 2020 US elections have not yet been digested.

Why do not stick to paper ballots – simple and easy to control – that citizens deposit in ballot boxes or send by mail? Why trying to twist our arm every 12 months? Is it to save money or to speed up? Hardly! Would such a massive intervention improve the quality of Swiss direct democracy? Wouldn't it rather lead to a loss of control for the citizens? Cui bono?

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