
“Fishermen are part of the coast”

A trade forced to give up

by Marita Brune-Koch and Georg Koch

(6 September 2021) Freest is one of the last idyllic fishing villages on the German Baltic coast, near the island of Usedom. Fishing boats are rocking in the harbour. Nets, ropes and other fishing utensils complete the picture. Everything seems to be fine. But the idyll is deceptive. The fishermen can no longer make a living off fishing. The EU puts an end to them with its regulations.

Book review

Cultural destruction – a little noticed crime

On the book “Damned and Destroyed”

by Robert Seidel

(17 July 2021) In his latest publication, “Verdammt und Vernichtet. Kulturzerstörung vom Alten Orient bis zur Gegenwart“ (Damned and Destroyed. Cultural Destruction from the Ancient Orient to the Present), systematically deals with the looting, robbery and destruction of cultural monuments.

“chug boat” tour through Husum Harbour

A short interview with Captain Loy, harbour master

(5 July 2021) Anyone going to the North Sea should definitely visit Husum. There is much to discover in this town on the Wadden Sea. Those who want to go on a marvellous mystery tour can do so in a boat.

Since 2015, Wolfgang Loy and his wife have been organising tours in Husum harbour on the chug boat “Möwe Willi”. Visitors learn a lot about the port, seafaring, the North Sea with its dangers, but also about the economic development of the port and the present challenges. After one such harbour tour, we had the opportunity to ask Captain Wolfgang Loy a few questions.

Projects that make sense

A day in the woods with kindergarteners

by Barbara Roth

(25 June 2021) The kindergarten teacher Barbara Roth describes a project she carried out with her children. In contrast to what is common today under keywords such as “experiential education”, this project exemplifies how to guide children and at the same time lead them towards independent activity. It shows how they learn eagerly and with joy and gain valuable experience.

“We need a new Eastern Policy”

Matthias Platzeck's courageous attitude

by Marita Brune-Koch

(18 June 2021) “We need a new Eastern Policy” - this is the title of Matthias Platzeck's new book1 and this was also the title of the author reading he gave at an online conference on 6 May this year. But you can't really call the event a “reading”. Platzeck, who tirelessly campaigns for good relations with Russia, spoke freely on the topic. The conference was organised by the “German-Russian Forum”.

On life in Russian society

Report on a successful private initiative for the homeless

by Mikhail Danilov and Elena Danilova,* Krasnodar, Russia

(21 Mai 2021) This analysis is the result of observations and reflections on the issue of individual initiative in Russia. We do not claim to cover the whole issue, but we endeavour to present the facts and contexts in an objective way. We would like to invite discussion and we are looking forward to an exchange of experiences in relation to individual initiative in Russia or in other countries.