

Health policy must remain sovereign

Keeping a watchful eye on the WHO

(4 October 2024) (Edit./sv) The tireless work of parliamentarians and committed experts has led to a partial victory. It should no longer be possible to simply override the cantons and the electorate – Switzerland’s supreme sovereign – with a simple reference to international regulations.

Vote on WHO treaties in parliament thanks to a motion

Federal Council should use right of objection (“opting out”) to stop the automatic adoption of the International Health Regulations (IHR).

by Ralph Studer*

(20 September 2024) (CH-S/uc) On 26 September, the National Council and the Council of States will decide together whether WHO agreements can be approved or rejected by the Federal Council alone or whether the agreements must be submitted to parliament – the legislature – for a vote. So far, the Federal Council has not given any indication that it intends to avert the impending loss of sovereignty for Switzerland by accepting the amended “International Health Regulations” (IHR).

Neutrality or NATO?

Swiss neutrality or war alliance with NATO?

Fateful vote in Switzerland

by Jean-Paul Vuilleumier, chief-editor of “Swiss Standpoint”

(20 September 2024) On 29 August 2024, the “Report of the Security Policy Study Commission” was presented at the Bern Media Centre at the invitation of Federal President Viola Amherd. The “Study Commission”, set up in June 2023 by Viola Amherd, head of the “Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport” (DDPS), has written a 70-page report on how, in her view, a “future-oriented security policy” should be designed.

Neutrality or NATO?

After me the deluge …?

by Christian Campiche,*Lausanne

(20 September 2024) Viola Amherd is flirting with NATO. She is entitled to her passions. The problem is her status as President of the Swiss Confederation. Head of the army, yes, but above all a national symbol. A country that has made neutrality its raison d'être over the past two centuries.

Neutrality or NATO?

The battle for neutrality begins!

Security policy study commission on NATO-course

(13 September 2024) Lauterbrunnen, 29 August 2024 – The “Study Commission on Security Policy” appointed by the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) presents its report. The one-sided commission turns its back on Swiss neutrality and calls for military affiliation with NATO and the EU. The Commission is despondent and denies Switzerland’s sovereignty in terms of security policy and independent national defence. It wants to offer military services abroad and hopes for military assistance in return. It is playing with fire and making Switzerland a party to the war.

In a nutshell

Federal council runs amok

Not only Amherd is acting single-handedly

by Thomas Scherr*

(13 September 2024) When Ignazio Cassis spoke of a “reset” in January 2018, people thought he was finally getting serious for Switzerland in the EU negotiations... But “reset” obviously meant a much more thorough process, namely, to reset Swiss history completely and start again with the Habsburgs. But this time as subordinates ... This thinking seems to be spreading among the authorities and cadres in federal Bern.