
Statement on behalf of civil society

Annual meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People convened by Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in accordance with United Nations General Assembly resolution 32/40 United Nations Office at Vienna, 29 November 2024

Text of speech of Dr. Hans Köchler, President of the International Progress Organization, Vienna

At a special meeting on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, chaired by Vasco M. Samupofu, Ambassador of the Republic of Namibia, representatives of UN Member States, of the League of Arab States and other international organizations delivered statements in support of a just settlement of the Palestine problem on the basis of a two-state solution.

Apartheid and its consequences

International legal assessments of Israel’s actions in the Gaza war

by Prof. Norman Paech*

(29 November 2024) (CH-S) Israel is currently under strong suspicion of committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. This is an outrageous suspicion – but one that seems to be growing stronger with each piece of evidence. The Hamburg-based international law expert Professor Norman Paech is pursuing this line of enquiry, drawing on Israeli scholars of the Holocaust and genocide such as Raz Segal.

Unfortunately, the reporting of the major media houses in the West on the dramatic conditions in the Israeli-occupied territories is scant, relativising or even trivialising. As a result, the West runs the risk of becoming complicit in a humanitarian crime.

UNESCO’S Peace Vocation

by Alfred de Zayas,* Geneva

(15 November 2024) The UNESCO Constitution,1 adopted in London on 16 November 1945, places great importance on the dialogue of civilizations and the necessity of mutual respect for the promotion of peace and prosperity through enhanced educational, scientific and cultural cooperation. The Constitution, which has been amended and strengthened over the years, promotes learning about other cultures and trying to understand the perspectives of other peoples, always recognizing our commonalities as human beings and our responsibility vis-à-vis the common heritage of mankind.

Accusations of US Regime-Change Operations in Pakistan and Bangladesh Warrant UN Attention

The very strong evidence of the U.S. role in toppling the government of Imran Khan in Pakistan raises the likelihood that something similar may have occurred in Bangladesh.

by Jeffrey D. Sachs,* USA

(30 August 2024) Two former leaders of major South Asian countries have reportedly accused the United States of covert regime change operations to topple their governments. One of the leaders, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, languishes in prison, on a perverse conviction that proves Khan’s assertion. The other leader, former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina, fled to India following a violent coup in her country. Their grave accusations against the U.S., as reported in the world media, should be investigated by the UN, since if true, the U.S. actions would constitute a fundamental threat to world peace and to regional stability in South Asia.

ICJ Ruling 19 July 2024 on Israel

Israel is called upon to abide by international law

Analysis by Pascal Lottaz,* Neutrality Studies, Kyoto, Japan

(23 August 2024) (CH-S) The Swiss historian and professor of international relations, Pascal Lottaz, analyses the fundamental dimensions of the opinion of the “International Court of Justice” (ICJ) of 19 July 2024 regarding the occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel. After a written introduction by the author, we reproduce the content of his English-language video contribution.

Blackmailing international criminal justice

by Alfred de Zayas,* Geneva

(25 May 2024) The prosecutor and the judges of the “International Criminal Court” (ICC) are bound to observe the “Statute of Rome” and apply it uniformly, without preferences or double standards. Otherwise, they will forfeit their authority and credibility. They must resist blackmail by any country that pretends to instrumentalize the Court for geopolitical games.