
“We don’t want to be remembered as victims”

Lecture by Dr Yousef Aljamal at the “Switzerland-Palestinian Society” in Zurich

by Ursula Cross

(16 February 2024) At the invitation of the “Switzerland-Palestine Society”,1 Yousef Aljamal, who grew up in the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza, spoke on 28 January 2024 about personal stories, stubborn Palestinians, people’s pride in their history and his hope in young people around the world.

“My stories are intended to make it easier for people to imagine life in an occupied territory”. With these words Dr Aljamal started his lecture.

Immediate stop to negotiations with the WHO

Lack of transparency at federal level

by Dr. med. Sabine Vuilleumier-Koch

(9 February 2024) The number of national parliamentarians warning against the adoption of WHO treaties is growing. These treaties, a “pandemic treaty” and amendments to the “International Health Regulations” (IHR), are to be adopted at the World Health Assembly, the WHO’s legislative body, in May 2024 and would have devastating consequences for the member states. Despite this, the Federal Council has not yet provided complete and transparent information about the negotiations to Parliament, let alone the public. The treaties cannot yet be read and studied in any national language; they are only available in English on the Internet.

Look for the female general!

by Christian Campiche,* Lausanne

(9 February 2024) The future of man is the woman. Well recognised, Aragon!1

When men destroy each other on the battlefields of the world, will the vision become reality?

When will that be?

Look for the woman general! She is the one who holds the sceptre now.

A tribute to Dick Marty

by Guy Mettan,* Geneva

(2 February 2024) I think it makes sense to revisit the death of Dick Marty. On the one hand, because the tributes paid to him did not do justice to his merits. On the other hand, however, because I reproach myself for not having honoured my promise to visit him last spring.

Has neoliberalism eliminated liberalism?

by Suzette Sandoz,* Pully/Lausanne

(25 January 2024) (Ed.) On 5 December 2023, as part of the “Liberal Institute Freedom Festival” in Zurich, the presentation of the “Röpke Prize” to Professor Suzette Sandoz took place.

In her speech which we document below, Suzette Sandoz asks whether neoliberalism has eliminated liberalism. Her answer is: “almost”. According to her, neoliberalism is an economic doctrine aimed at dominating the world, far away from the humanist philosophy of liberalism. Its consequence being that in a neoliberal system, the economy no longer serves mankind, as envisaged by classical liberal philosophy, but mankind serves the economy, as a resource to be exploited as much as possible, without having to worry about social aspects.

Call from Left and Green Supporters: Yes to the Neutrality Initiative!

In Support of the People’s Initiative “Preservation of Swiss Neutrality”

by Pascal Lottaz*

(18 January 2024) A group of engaged citizens in Switzerland has started the process for a political initiative with the goal of writing a definition of the country’s signature foreign policy into its constitution. If the initiative is signed by 100’000 eligible voters by May 2024, this will lead to a mandatory referendum in a few years’ time. Although the effort is being supported by voters and activists from all parts of the country’s political spectrum, media reports tend to call the initiative “right wing”. In an effort to counter this narrative, we are publishing a letter of support from left- and green-voting citizens to demonstrate that there are many left-wing arguments to support this important political idea.