
On Swiss neutrality

Mr Zelensky with video message in the Federal Assembly during the summer session

by Suzette Sandoz,* Lausanne

(16 May 2023) This news, the subject of a press release dated 5 May 2023 and mentioned by the French-speaking Swiss television RTS in the evening journal, makes one wonder and deserves an open discussion. However, it seems to have gone almost unnoticed.

On Swiss neutrality

Switzerland is in danger

by Peter Hänseler*

(9 May 2023) Switzerland is changing its stance on neutrality and legal security at lightning speed to please the EU and the USA. This attitude endangers the foundation on which Switzerland stands. This article looks at Switzerland from the outside.


The perfidious Albion takes its chestnuts out of the fire and tries to sacrifice Willhelm Tell to the European Moloch

by Remy Delalande,* Switzerland

(19 April 2023) The “British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce” organized a simply absurd debate on 20 March 2023 in Bern with the EU Ambassador to Switzerland, Petros Mavromichalis, with the aim of getting Switzerland to submit to the judges of the “European Court of Justice” (ECJ) and finally overcome its dithering over the supremacy of European law.

“Credit Suisse”

Afterthoughts to the end of the party

If you want to win back the trust of people, you have to protect them from the excesses of the financial world

by Marc Chesney*

(18 April 2023) The lights are out: For Credit Suisse (CS), the party is over. Members of the executive board and the board of directors temporarily leave the muted green carpet of the casino financial world. They do so with serious faces, full pockets and light hearts. Expressions of regret and apologies fit the occasion. They would have done their best.

About Swiss neutrality

Swiss Parliament erupts over weapons exports to Ukraine

by Remy Delalande,* Switzerland

(28 March 2023) [17 March 2023[ Switzerland parliament is in turmoil over a wave of proposals set to enable Swiss-made military equipment to reach Ukraine. Many politicians across the political spectrum fear Switzerland’s neutral international reputation could be irreversibly damaged.

On Swiss neutrality

Yes to Swiss neutrality

“Our state is not an institution of morality but of the creation and preservation of law”

by Therese Schläpfer,* Hagenbuch ZH

(28 March 2023) In view of the latest developments in Europe, the preservation of our neutrality is enormously important. The war in Ukraine clearly shows this. Actually, the European civilian population would prefer peace, but some governments allow themselves to be put under pressure.