
Grain of sand

No democracy without trust, no trust without sincerity

by Suzette Sandoz,* Switzerland

(9 January 2023) Democracy is in a crisis. The increasing violence in society is a clear indication of this. While the ease with which violent movements can develop can be attributed to social networks, the increasing number of these movements is more likely caused by the growing mistrust of the population towards the authorities and “those who officially know”.


“Taking responsibility”

Are we up to the new challenges?

by Thomas Scherr

(29 November 2022) What will happen next? Inflation. Ukraine war. Energy crisis. Wave of refugees. Nuclear threat. Pension fund gap. Supply chain disruption. Economic war with China ... How much leeway is left? Will there be a secure future? Is the right personnel available for it? Will Switzerland fall victim to the “malice of time” after more than seven centuries?

Grain of sand

The Swiss Federal Council is right, except ...

by Suzette Sandoz,* Lausanne

(29 November 2022) The Swiss Federal Council does not allow Germany to hand over ammunition of Swiss origin to Ukraine because this would violate neutrality. This would be tantamount to favouring one of the two warring parties.

“Neutrality remains essential”

ICRC President Peter Maurer* discussing war and peace

Interview held by Roger Köppel on October 6, 2022

(7 November 2022) (Ed.) As President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Peter Maurer has visited the hotbeds of conflict around the world. In his final interview as president, he expresses cautious optimism. Peter Maurer believes that international humanitarian law is being better upheld in the Ukrainian conflict. The role of a neutral mediator remains essential in the struggle for peace.

Grain of sand

Petition to the Federal Council

by Suzette Sandoz,* Lausanne

(31 October 2022) Well, here we go again! Yesterday evening (10 October), on the news of the French-speaking Swiss television RTS, we were presented with an article about – free of charge – vaccination, the fourth dose for people at risk or, quite simply, from the age of 16! We are again “shown” bare (ohhh) pricked shoulders and, above all, we are served up some deaths, some thousands of Covid cases, some hospitalisations, in short, the liturgy from which we had been spared for a while. And of course some testimonies (I get vaccinated because I am a teacher, because I am a nurse – undercurrent: to protect others!); it is true that one also heard one person who refused vaccination, but without any justification. AND the whole thing is under the responsibility of the FOPH [Federal Office of Public Health].

“If Europe is incapable of working for peace, it will vanish from history!”

Interview with Georges Martin* conducted by “Indocile.press”

((31 October 2022) Edit.) Now retired, Georges Martin, former No. 3 in Swiss diplomacy, is committed to and wants to be an ambassador for peace. The man who served neutrality shows us that he is so attached to this notion that he would not want to corrupt it with the convoluted language of diplomacy. “Indocile” called on this diplomat whose personal commitment to neutrality allows the Iranians to make the pilgrimage to Arabia and the Saudis to Mashhad.