
Federal votes of 28 November 2021

Covid-19 Act: restriction of civil liberties?

by René Zeyer*

(5 November 2021) Fundamental rights are the foundation of a free civilisation. A pandemic endangers health. Curtailment of fundamental rights endangers society.

Freedoms are used without thinking about what a privilege they are. And how quickly they can be endangered.

“This concentration of power is dangerous”

Excerpts from Swiss Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer’s speech on 12 September 2021 in Wald ZH on the keywords “morals”, “power”, “experts”, “respect” and “fundamental values”

(27 October 2021) Edit. What has been learned about Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer lately? His wearing a white T-shirt with a “Freiheitstrychler” imprint1 caused a lot of fuss in the Swiss media. However, his speech at a citizens’ meeting in the Zurich Oberland2 found little echo in the media. For this reason, “Swiss Standpoint” presents some of the central statements of his speech, which was delivered in Swiss German.

Swiss National Day

Swiss diversity in unity

by Patrick Schneider

Ladies and gentlemen, dear children

It is a great honour for me to hold a speech to you today on 1 August. Many thanks to the “men’s sports association Guntershausen”, the organisers of this 1st of August celebration, who have invited me to say a few words to you today.

Meditation in black and white

by Alexandra Rozkosny (Swiss Mountain Aid)

(17 July 2021) In no time at all, filigree works of art are created from paper in her hands. Jolanda Brändle discovered her vocation in passing. Today, she is one of the most successful paper cutting artists in eastern Switzerland.

The battle for the F-35 has only just begun

by Guy Mettan,* Geneva

(5 July 2021) They dared! That was the first thought that came to my mind when the news of the purchase of the F-35 broke. Fascination with technology and subservience to the United States thus overrode all other political, military and geostrategic considerations.

Karin Keller-Sutter should take a trip to Delaware

by Toni Brunner*

(18 June 2021) It was during the last financial crisis in 2008/2009. The USA was looking for money and new sources of income and so the then US President Barack Obama attacked banking secrecy and with it Switzerland.

Our Federal Councillor for Eastern Switzerland, Hans-Rudolf Merz, said at the time: “You will have a tough time on our banking secrecy but you will not succeed!" In the summer of 2009, the big bank UBS delivered thousands of client data to the USA, and banking secrecy was eliminated.