
On Swiss Neutrality

A plea for a neutrality of the prudent (2/2)

by Verena Tobler-Linder,* Switzerland

(21 March 2023) (Ed.) The first part of this article was published in Newsletter No. 9 of 14 March and is available on our homepage. We are now publishing the final two parts of this article.

On Swiss Neutrality

A plea for a neutrality of the prudent

by Verena Tobler-Linder,* Switzerland

(14 March 2023) (Editor.) In connection with the war in Ukraine, Swiss neutrality has come under serious pressure: should we or should we not support unilateral coercive measures by the EU and the USA, should we or should we not be allowed to deliver ammunition and weapons to a war zone, are unilateral statements by individual members of the Federal Council already a breach of neutrality or not? These and other questions are currently the subject of controversial debate in our country.

About Swiss Neutrality

Neutrality by the day

by Olivier Delacretaz,* Lausanne

(7 March 2023) On 19 March 2021, the Swiss government published the report entitled “China Strategy 2021-2024”. This report criticises the democratic inadequacy of China, in particular the persecution of its ethnic minorities. Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis threatens to adopt a “more robust” attitude if China does not behave better. This somewhat ridiculous interference in Chinese internal affairs is certainly not the work of a neutral state.

About Swiss Neutrality

How Swiss politicians dismantle Swiss neutrality

by Christian Müller*

(28 February 2023) The Swiss Confederation – the “Confoederatio Helvetica”, hence the CH on the cars – has been historically neutral since the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Together with the reputation of the Swiss businessman Henry Dunant, whose experiences after the Battle of Solferino in 1859 and whose ideas gave rise to the “International Red Cross”, Switzerland has gained an excellent reputation as an international mediator and as a representative of interests between hostile states. However, this does not bother the current political leadership in Bern to pursue a one-sided NATO-friendly policy.


“People know each other, trust each other, respect each other and help each other”

Interview with Victorinox CEO Carl Elsener

by Stefan Barmettler, Journalist “Handelszeitung”

(21 February 2023) Carl Elsener has been CEO of Victorinox since 2007 and is not thinking about retirement. He is a model entrepreneur. Now, Carl Elsener has been voted “Leader of the Year” by the Swiss “Handelszeitung” readership for the second time.

On “Swiss Neutrality”

Neutral mediation services or entering the war?

by Ralph Bosshard,* Switzerland

(25 January 2023) (Edit.) On 6/7 January 2023, “Swiss Standpoint” held a conference in German on the topic of “Swiss Neutrality and Peace” in Frauenfeld TG. Ralph Bosshard, one of the four invited speakers, has written the following text for our readership with some important aspects of content from the presentations and the discussion.