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The overthrow of Evo Morales and the first lithium war

by Thierry Meyssan

(18 April 2021)  The world was used to oil wars since the end of the 19th century. Now the wars over lithium, a mineral that is essential for mobile phones, but above all for electric cars, are beginning. Foreign Office documents obtained by a British historian and journalist show that the UK engineered the overthrow of Bolivian president Evo Morales to steal the country’s lithium reserves.

"War preparation"

Once again preparations for nuclear armament

Construction work at Büchel airbase in Germany

Press release IPPNW

(13 April 2021) The medical organisation "International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War" (IPPNW) criticises the decision of the German government to prepare the re-stationing of nuclear weapons in Büchel despite the pandemic and before the elections on 26 September.

In an answer to the parliamentary group DIE LINKE dated 1 March 2021, the federal government confirms that construction work at the Bundeswehr airbase in Büchel on the runway will begin in 2022 and continue until 2026. The planned costs of the conversion and expansion measures amount to almost 260 million euros.

Ivermectin – a promising drug in the treatment of Covid-19

by Sabine Vuilleumier-Koch, M.D.

(6. April 2021) Research is being conducted worldwide into substances that could lead to prophylaxis and effective treatment of Covid-19. Its results are little known to the public – so far, the focus of media interest has been on the known protective measures, the lockdown and vaccination. Broader testing is now also permitted. From a medical point of view, it is urgently necessary to add the option of prophylaxis and therapy.

Russia and China: decoupling from the Western-dominated global payments system

(2 April 2021) In response to the threat of tougher sanctions, Moscow and Beijing are moving closer together. They want more independence from the financial system. An economic sensation is brewing: a Russian-Chinese payment agreement.

Crimea: a bone of contention with conflict potential

On the 7th anniversary of the referendum

by Wolfgang Effenberger

(31 March 2021) The referendum of 16 March 2014 – the vote for a joining with the Russian Federation – in Crimea and Sevastopol showed a clear result: with a turnout of 83 per cent, 96.7 per cent voted for annexation to Russia.1

Journalistic research is time-consuming

In the “Navalny affair”, much media reporting is too simplistic – here’s what it takes to get more information

by Christian Müller

(21 March 2021) On February 13, 2021, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung published on its front page a lead story on the future of Navalny and Putin1 by journalist Andreas Rüesch. The words “opposition” and “opponents” appeared repeatedly through-out the article, but – whether intentionally or not – Rüesch never explained what this opposition actually entails in Russia.