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Agricultural policies Brunch

Preserving farms and food security is a task for society as a whole

by Marita Brune

For a short time, the discussion of agricultural policy issues was alive in Germany in the general public. The lockdown and political calculations almost put an end to it. A new approach was sought with an “agricultural policies brunch” in the region of lake Constance in Baden-Württemberg. It is one of several new paths how farmers are trying to attract public attention for issues that are imminent for society as a whole.

Democracy: Or How to Choose a Candidate in United States Elections

by Prof. Dr. iur. et phil. Alfred de Zayas, Geneva School of Diplomacy

Current Introduction by the Author

(11/2020) As an American citizen I have voted in US elections since 1968. I once believed that the United States was a genuine democracy, the best in the world. It took me decades to realize that the voter never gets the chance to vote on the issues but is forced to choose between one of two candidates, each one of whom presents a platform, a conundrum of issues and programmes that do not have any internal coherence but result from the demands of lobbies and donors.

Is There A Coup Brewing In The US?

by Leonid Savin, geopolitical analyst and author of numerous books

In August, a curious document emerged in the US entitled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition“. It was prepared by a group called the Transition Integrity Project, which includes more than one hundred current and former senior US officials alongside experts from various fields. The group announced that they had run crisis scenario exercises for the November 2020 elections, all of which had shown rather disappointing results.

Cantonal initiative in Geneva

Minimum salary of CHF 4000: a risky "Genevoiserie"

It could trigger a snowball effect in other cantons and at the federal level.

by Rémy Delalande, political and economic affairs specialist

The Geneva minimum wage of 4,000 euros provoked the astonished outburst of laughter of Parisian journalists commenting it on the TV channel CNews (see illustration 1): No, this is not a Swiss joke but rather a "Genevoiserie". Whose fault is it? The failure to adapt collective bargaining agreements? The failure to adress unregulated workers contracts? What are the risks of a spillover effect in other cantons or at the federal level?