

Italian general calls for an end to the Ukrainian conflict

“Permanent war in Europe is America’s preferred scenario”

Interview with General Fabio Mini* by Alessandro Bianchi

(4 April 2023) “As far as the U.S. is concerned, a permanent war in Europe, alongside one or several States volunteering to fight it indefinitely, has a twofold advantage: keep the Europeans fighting Russia and distract them from their ties with Beijing. But as I write in my book, ‘volunteers’ for endless war are gradually running out, starting with those meant to be sent to the front.”

The Nord Stream-Andromeda Cover Up

by Scott Ritter,* USA

(28 March 2023) U.S. intelligence was too quick to leak information about the German investigation to The New York Times. It raises the distinct impression that the real culprit is nervous about the investigative work of Seymour Hersh.

US paranoid about Russia-China summit

by M. K. Bhadrakumar,* India

(28 March 2023) The arrest warrant1 issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Vladimir Putin can only be seen as a publicity stunt by the Anglo-Saxon clique, with the US leading from the rear.

A voice from Ukraine

“Doing everything to stop the war immediately and sitting down at the negotiating table!”

by Maxim Goldarb*

(21 March 2023) Like many other Ukrainians, I woke up on 24 February 2022 and the days after to the sound of explosions in Kiev. Before that, I had done my best to suppress the thought of the possibility of war with all its advantages and disadvantages for those involved. But what happened, happened.

China steps up, a new era has dawned in world politics

by M. K. Bhadrakumar,* India

(21 March 2023) The agreement announced on Friday in Beijing regarding the normalisation of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran and the reopening of their embassies is a historic event. It goes way beyond an issue of Saudi-Iranian relations. China’s mediation signifies that we are witnessing a profound shift of the tectonic plates in the geopolitics of the 21st century.

A voice from Taiwan

“We no longer have a democracy worth defending”

Johanna Lei takes a hard line with her country. The confrontational course with the People’s Republic of China is dangerous. The USA is adding fuel to the fire.

Interview by Joanna Lei* conducted by Pierre Heumann

(21 March 2023) Taiwanese opposition politician Joanna Lei accuses the government in Taipei of dismantling democracy and trying to distance itself more from the People’s Republic. Instead, Lei favours peaceful coexistence with mainland China, for example by founding a “commonwealth”. This is causing displeasure in Washington. According to Lei, the USA wants to assert its own interests at Taiwan’s expense. She fears that America could use the small Republic of China, i.e. Taiwan, for a proxy war against the People’s Republic.