
The U.S. Peace Council Strongly Condemns the Illegal Bombing of Syria

by the Executive Committee of the U.S. Peace Council

(15 March 2021) Only 36 days after taking office, President Biden took his first illegal foreign-policy action by ordering an air strike on the sovereign nation of Syria, killing more than a dozen Syrian citizens.

USA bomb Syria

Biden missuses the International Law

by Binoy KAMPMARK*

(15 March 2021) On February 25, President Joe Biden ordered airstrikes against Syria. The premise for the attacks was implausible. “These strikes were authorized in response to recent attacks against American and Coalition personnel in Iraq,” claimed Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, “and to ongoing threats to those personnel.”

Biden and the exploitation of the Chinese workforce

by Thierry Meyssan*

(15 March 2021) The Biden administration is driven by a fanatical ideology borrowed from small groups of left-wing believers.1 It is supported by two powerful lobbies: the military-industrial complex2 on the one hand, and the transnational corporations producing in China on the other. Thierry Meyssan presents this little-known lobby.

“War preparation”

In Ghedi preparing the new base for the F-35

by Manlio Dinucci

(15 March 2021) The United States continues to modernise its nuclear strike force, also in Europe. In violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty it has signed, Italy is housing more and more of these weapons.

“War preparations”

The US bomb is ready: soon also in the EU

by Manlio Dinucci*

(15 March 2021) The United States has developed a new type of nuclear bomb, much smaller and more manageable. It will mass-produce and store them in the European Union, to "guarantee its security".

Joe Biden – a democratic turn?

by Roland Hureaux*

(31 December 2020)  It takes rare thoughtlessness to claim – as the majority of the European and American press, as well as Biden's supporters in the US presidential election, do – that Trump's defeat will save democracy.