Social issues

Why the German state is failing

No clarification of Nord Stream attack?

by Robert Seidel

(25 April 2023) Like an elephant in the room, the question of how it can be that leading German politicians and judges accept the main artery of Germany's energy supply, the Nord Stream pipelines, be sabotaged, but the perpetrators not prosecuted.


«Craftsmen for peace»

Congress of craftsmen and entrepreneurs in Dessau-Rosslau

by Marita Brune

(18 April 2023) For once, it wasn’t the well-known groups of the classic German peace movement that hosted a congress for peace. This time the initiative came from the heart of society, from craftsmen and entrepreneurs from small and medium-sized businesses. On Sunday, 2 April 2023, the “Craftsmen’s Peace Congress” took place in Dessau-Rosslau in Saxony-Anhalt, organised by Karl Krökel, head of the Dessau Metal Guild. About 250 people, twice as many as expected, came to the “Hugo Junkers” Museum of Technology. The star guest of the event was Gabriele Krone-Schmalz, long-time Russia correspondent for the German public TV channel ARD.


Teacher shortage: the real reasons

by Prof. Dr. Mario Andreotti*

(11 April 2023) Up and down the country, school presidents and principals are looking for teachers for the new school year. In eastern Switzerland, the situation is somewhat less dramatic than in other parts of the country. In the Lake Constance region, all vacant teaching positions were once again filled. Nevertheless, the situation remains tense here as well, as guest author Professor Dr Mario Andreotti writes.

France Blocked For 4 Years

President Emmanuel Macron has just deliberately destroyed his constitutional authority

by Thierry Meyssan,* France

(6 April 2023) The crisis that France is going through today is not just another episode in an eternally agitated country. It is about a deep crisis of mode which will be solved only with the beginning of a new society. The country will go through several years of blockage, before embarking on a complete transformation, a revolution that will last at least a generation.

How integration of migrant children can succeed

by Marita Brune-Koch

(4 April 2023) Almost every day you can read or hear in all the media about major problems in schools, about a decline in pupils’ performance (especially in Germany), about violence against fellow pupils and teachers, and about serious teacher shortages.

Covid-19 pandemic

Testimony of Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs,* Chairman of the Lancet Covid-19 Commission To the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

(28 March 2023) After more than three years of the Covid-19 pandemic, and more than 18 million deaths worldwide according to one authoritative estimate (IHME, 2023),1 we still do not know the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. We do know, however, four things: