Economy / Finance

BRICS New Development Bank de-dollarizing

by Ben Norton,* USA

(04 July 2023) The BRICS bloc’s New Development Bank, an alternative to the US-dominated World Bank, is de-dollarizing its loans, promoting local currencies, and adding new members: Argentina, Saudi Arabia, and Zimbabwe.

Sowing Seeds of Plunder: A Lose-Lose Situation in Ukraine

How big private equity funds buy up Ukraine

by Colin Todhunter*

(13 June 2023) “It’s a lose-lose situation for Ukrainians. While they are dying to defend their land, financial institutions are insidiously supporting the consolidation of farmland by oligarchs and Western financial interests.”

Financial market – a deceptive security

by Rüdiger Rauls,* Germany

(6 June 2023) Gold and American government bonds were considered the most secure investments by far for decades. Regarding US securities, capitalism itself has exposed this creed as a deception. American debt securities are turning more and more into a problem for banks and shadow banks.

Birth of a new financial world order

by Guy Mettan,* Geneva

(30 May 2023) The war in Ukraine triggered the shift of the world towards Asia and the Global South. Since February 2022, events have been accelerating, both politically and economically: an increase in trade agreements in national currencies, a peace plan between Saudi Arabia and Iran under the auspices of China, an increase in the number of BRICS membership applications, a project for a common currency between Argentina and Brazil, etc.

19 nations ready to join BRICS

Among them five Arab states plus Iran

by The Cradle (News Desk)

(16 May 2023= As Global South nations continue to ditch the US dollar for trade, BRICS officials have said the bloc is working on developing a new currency.

First preliminary stage: economic war against China?

by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hamer*, Germany

(2 May 2023) (Edit.) With his frank analyses, Professor Eberhard Hamer, founder of the “Mittelstandsinstitut Niedersachsen” (Lower Saxony Institute for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses), doesn’t beat about the bush. Particularly in these times, in which the political guidance of Germany, takes orders from big brother almost like a subordinate bailiff. Will Germany refuse to comply with the disastrous China policy of the U.S. administration?