Economy / Finance

Germany’s kowtowing to warlords

Minister of Economics Habeck in Qatar

(14 April 2022) mb. The German Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck, travelled to Qatar aiming to the buy gas.

The gas war

by Prof. Eberhard Hamer,* Germany

(20 February 2022) The days of cheap energy are probably over for German households and companies. Green ideologues have succeeded in making conventional electricity suppliers such as coal and oil more expensive and more difficult to replace. But the replacement by wind and solar energy is not only uncertain, it is also more expensive – not least because of the taxes imposed by the state.

The West’s new financial weapons

Third World countries’ commitment to carbon-neutral investments

by Manlio Dinucci,* Italy

(20 February 2022) New weapons are being added to the West’s arsenal of economic and financial policies. To understand their nature and importance, it is necessary to start from the weapons used so far: the sanctions – including the most severe, the embargo – imposed mainly by the United States and the European Union on entire states, companies and individuals.

Cash available even during power cuts and hacker attacks

Austria’s head of the Central Bank highlights the advantages of cash

(29 January 2022) rs. Austria’s Head of the Central Bank and ECB Governing Council member Robert Holzmann sees a great future for euro notes and coins even in times of digitalisation. – And this in times when Brussels is focusing on digitalisation of the currency.

On China's economic situation

“It’s not a bubble bursting, it’s just a company going bust”

On the Chinese economy, the interests of Western investors and the relationship between the individual and society

Interview by Simon Zeise* with Frank Sieren**

(19 January 2022) Edit. We are happy to make available to our readers this informative interview of 16 October 2021, which Simon Zeise of the German daily newspaper "junge Welt" conducted with Frank Sieren.

Simon Zeise: You once said that the rise of China will end the rule of the white man. When will the People’s Republic have replaced the USA as the world’s number one power?

COP26: Greening Finance?

by Thierry Meyssan*

COP26 in Glasgow is an entertaining show, designed to divert the public’s attention from what is going on. The IPCC, the COP’s committee of climate experts, does not predict the apocalypse to deaf governments, but provides them with a discourse to justify their political ambitions. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, who are resolutely hostile to the financial projects of the COPs, have refused to attend, while the big bankers are talking about 100 billion dollars of investment.