Economy / Finance

Russia and China: decoupling from the Western-dominated global payments system

(2 April 2021) In response to the threat of tougher sanctions, Moscow and Beijing are moving closer together. They want more independence from the financial system. An economic sensation is brewing: a Russian-Chinese payment agreement.

Digital central bank currencies – the monetary apocalypse

A commentary by Ernst Wolff

(18 January 2021)  While almost all of the world's governments are terrifying their peoples under the pretext of fighting a pandemic and harassing them with increasingly harsh measures, a process is taking place in the background that threatens our future considerably more than the currently rampant virus ever could. This is the development of digital central bank currency, which is being driven by more than three dozen central banks in collaboration with numerous tech corporations.

Billionaire Wealth, U.S. Job Losses and Pandemic Pro teers

Ed. How much is a billion? A sum of money of "only" one billion — or a thousand million — is hardly imaginable. One can only guess at the in uence and power that individuals in our world can wield with the possession of several or even hundreds of billions of dollars.

As a comparison with the amounts of money described in the following two articles by Alan MacLeod and Chuck Collins, we have subsequently compared this year's financial requirements of the "United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees" (UNHCR) and the state revenues (2017) of Switzerland and its neighbouring countries.

2021: The world as a gambling hell?

by Wolfgang Effenberger*

(30 January 2021)  On 11 December 2020, the Economist special issue "The World 2021" was published with forward-looking contents. The covers of the previous annual issues were, as usual, very cryptic with their encoded plans of the background elites: a mixture of occult symbolism and references to manipulation and control of the masses.

For 2021, a slot machine was chosen, with the globe adorning its lever arm. Pressing it causes the four reels to rotate. Instead of coins, "stimulus funds" are to be inserted. It's all about the very big rip-off "CASH OUT" at taxpayers' expense. The uninitiated readers have to rely on their imagination.