Economy / Finance

Fertiliser shortage caused harvests in Africa to shrink

by German Foreign Policy*

(16 January 2023) EU sanctions exacerbate hunger crisis in Africa. Now the EU wants to ease sanctions on Russian fertiliser supplies.

Why is the current government harming Germany’s middle class so much?

by Christian Kreiss,* Germany

(9 January 2023) A lot of recent political and economic measures clearly harm our middle class, the backbone of our prosperity. Leading business representatives say: “the substance of our industry is threatened”1 or: “we are simply getting poorer. I’ll draw you a picture for Germany and I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up 20 to 30 percent poorer.”2 The conservative “Handelsblatt” newspaper speaks of a threat of deindustrialisation of Germany.3

Germany, a champion in decline

From export world champion to heated shelters and power outages: Deindustrialization is advancing. Who will stop this madness?

by Marc Friedrich*

(17 November 2022) “Germany must die!” This is the title of a popular song by the Hamburg punk band “Slime”, to which people like to dance the pogo. Can a country die? Yes, first its own economy and then, more or less in the long term, the entire country, for the economy is the heartbeat of a country. And if the heart dies, everything else ceases to function.

Whose Grain Is Being Shipped from Ukraine?

America’s GMO Agribusiness Giants to Take Control of Ukraine Farmland

by F. William Engdahl*

(19 September 2022) A great humanitarian uproar in recent weeks demanding the safe shipping of Ukrainian grain to ease a hunger crisis in Africa and elsewhere is deceptive on many levels.

Not the least is who owns the land on which the grain is grown and whether that grain is actually illegal GMO patented corn and other grains.

Big Chip in US-China Crisis

For the U.S., it is unthinkable that semiconductor behemoth TSMC could one day be in territory controlled by Beijing

by Maria Ryan,* United Kingdom

(29 August 2022) One aspect of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan that has been largely overlooked is her meeting1 with Mark Lui, chairman of the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC). Pelosi’s trip coincided with U.S. efforts to convince TSMC – the world’s largest chip manufacturer, on which the U.S. is heavily dependent – to establish a manufacturing base in the US and to stop making advanced chips for Chinese companies.

India-Russia-Iran: Eurasia’s new transportation powerhouses

by Matthew Ehret*

(29 July 2022) No longer just an “alternative route” on a drawing board, the “International North South Transportation Corridor” (INSTC) is paying dividends in a time of global crisis. And Moscow, Tehran and New Delhi are now leading players in the Eurasian competition for transportation routes.