Economy / Finance

Cash available even during power cuts and hacker attacks

Austria’s head of the Central Bank highlights the advantages of cash

(29 January 2022) rs. Austria’s Head of the Central Bank and ECB Governing Council member Robert Holzmann sees a great future for euro notes and coins even in times of digitalisation. – And this in times when Brussels is focusing on digitalisation of the currency.

On China's economic situation

“It’s not a bubble bursting, it’s just a company going bust”

On the Chinese economy, the interests of Western investors and the relationship between the individual and society

Interview by Simon Zeise* with Frank Sieren**

(19 January 2022) Edit. We are happy to make available to our readers this informative interview of 16 October 2021, which Simon Zeise of the German daily newspaper "junge Welt" conducted with Frank Sieren.

Simon Zeise: You once said that the rise of China will end the rule of the white man. When will the People’s Republic have replaced the USA as the world’s number one power?

COP26: Greening Finance?

by Thierry Meyssan*

COP26 in Glasgow is an entertaining show, designed to divert the public’s attention from what is going on. The IPCC, the COP’s committee of climate experts, does not predict the apocalypse to deaf governments, but provides them with a discourse to justify their political ambitions. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, who are resolutely hostile to the financial projects of the COPs, have refused to attend, while the big bankers are talking about 100 billion dollars of investment.

Supply crisis on the horizon

Dumping wages and miserable working conditions for truck drivers

Report from the editorial office of

(18 November 2021) A supply crisis like the one currently in Great Britain is also threatening Germany and the EU due to the continuously increasing shortage of truck drivers. This is according to estimates by industry experts. In the United Kingdom, after initial difficulties in supplying supermarkets, the petrol stocks of probably two-thirds of all petrol stations ran out last weekend. Despite initial signs of recovery, the shortage continues.

Consequences of a neoliberal globalisation

by Thomas Scherr

(18 November 2021) In the aftermath of the 2020 lockdown, many economic problems have arisen, as “German Foreign Policy”, among others, reported in an article at the end of September.1 However, anyone who looks at the current supply crisis only from the perspective of the past five years falls short. It is necessary to look at 30 years of neoliberal globalisation.If you don’t train enough nursing and care staff in your own country, you just get them from abroad. – their own situation is not “our” problem. – The main thing is to keep wages low. Truck drivers are recruited in Poland or Romania or brought in from Belarus. Low wages is all that counts. This is what the free movement of persons in globalised world trade looks like.

Great Reset – the elite backs the Greens

A commentary by Ernst Wolff

(15 October 2021) Edit. Shortly before the Bundestag elections, the author precisely and succinctly summarises the role of the German "Greens": the transformation from an anti-nuclear and peace party to the party of functionaries of globalist elites.