
77 Years after World War Two; time for European Security Independence?

by Dieter Egli,* USA

(30 May 2022) As we mark the 77th anniversary of the victory of Allied troops over Nazi Germany, the United States still has tens of thousands of troops stationed in Europe. If the events of the past two decades are any indication, it seems clear that this holdover of WWII has had unwelcome consequences for both Europe and also the USA, and should raise additional considerations for all in ending the war in Ukraine.

Klaus von Dohnanyi: “I warned against war”

SPD politician and book author calls on the EU to defend its own interests vis-à-vis the USA

(22 May 2022) upg. Klaus von Dohnanyi is a political legend. In January 2022 he published his latest book “Nationale Interessen. Orientierung für deutsche und europäische Politik in Zeiten von globalen Umbrüchen“ (“National Interests. Orientation for German and European politicies in times of global upheaval”). In it, he warned against a war in Ukraine. On 22 April, two months after the outbreak of war, the Norddeutscher Rundfunk NDR interviewed him. In the following, we present his most important statements for discussion. They are quoted verbatim and therefore partly colloquial (subheadings “Infosperber”, Switzerland).

America is driving Europe into a nuclear war

by Oskar Lafontaine,* Germany

(15 May 2022) Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the stranglehold of Washington’s gamblers: a negotiated peace with Moscow is becoming ever more urgent.

US-Intel Vets on Ukraine

Nuclear Weapons Cannot Be Un-Invented

by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity,* USA

MEMORANDUM FOR: The President [of the United States of America]

FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

SUBJECT: Nuclear Weapons Cannot Be Un-invented, Thus …


REF: Our Memo of 12/20/20, “Don’t Be Suckered on Russia

Posted on May 1, 2022

Why nobody wants peace in Ukraine

by Guy Mettan,* freelance journalist, Geneva

(9 May 2022) [2 May 2022] We guessed it since the beginning of the conflict but it is now proven, peace will not take place in Ukraine before long.

A negotiated peace is the only way to end Russia's war on Ukraine

by Jeffrey D. Sachs,* USA

(2 May 2022) The two-pronged US strategy, to help Ukraine overcome the Russian invasion by imposing tough sanctions and by supplying Ukraine's military with sophisticated armaments, is likely to fall short.

What is needed is a peace deal, which may be within reach. Yet to reach a deal, the United States will have to compromise on NATO, something Washington has so far rejected.