
The death of Europe and the birth of a new order

Ukraine – a geopolitical conflict

by Augusto Zamora Rodríguez,* Nicaragua

(2 May 2022) Editor: “Putin’s imperial delusions”: in the West, experts, journalists and politicians are unanimous when it comes to the causes of the conflict in Ukraine. But a cross-sectional view quickly shows that analysts from the global South come to a different conclusion. When looking at the Ukrainian crisis, it can be refreshing for the mind to follow the eyes and thoughts of a person who has his home in Estelí, Nicaragua.

Cognitive warfare

The war propaganda changes its shape

by Thierry Meyssan*

(25 April 2022) If the Russian army has won the war against the “Banderites” [term for Ukrainian extremists, named after Stepan Banderea] in Ukraine, NATO has won the cognitive war against its own citizens in the West. The Atlantic Alliance has developed a new form of propaganda based on what it denounced a short time ago: Fake News, that is to say not false information, but biased information. How to protect yourself from it?

Asian fault lines of Biden’s war on Russia

by M.K. Bhadrakumar,* India

(25 April 2022) The tremors of the United States’ tensions with Russia playing out in Europe are being felt in different ways already in Asia. The hypothesis of Ukraine being in Europe and the conflict being all about European security is delusional.

From Kazakhstan to Myanmar, from Solomon Islands to the Kuril Islands, from North Korea to Cambodia, from China to India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, the fault lines are appearing.

Nuclear «Green Pass»: the Bomb for Italy comes out in May

by Manlio Dinucci,* Italy

(25 April 2022) In May 2022, the new nuclear bomb B61-12 large-scale production will begin in the USA: this announcement was made by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Energy. As they leave the factory, the new nuclear bombs will be delivered to the US Air Force, which will install them in US bases in Italy and other European countries replacing the B61s.

Latin America

“Mexico is a free, independent and sovereign country”

Harsh criticism towards the EU parliament

(14 April 2022) Mexico's President López Obrador is fighting back against a resolution passed by the EU Parliament on 10 March 2022 condemning Mexico for alleged violations of press freedom and journalists’ rights. Obrador had criticised the corporate media that systematically work against the socially committed government. These corporations are owned by influential oligarchs. Some mainstream media in the country published demonstrably fake news aimed at bringing down the government’s reform projects.

Zelenskymania and Switzerland’s ruined image

Background and foreground of the war in Ukraine

by Guy Mettan,* Geneva

(10 April 2022) While negotiations seem to be progressing and the first contours of a possible solution in Ukraine are emerging (neutrality and partial demilitarisation of the country, handover of the Donbass and Crimea), the background to the conflict is beginning to be better understood. However, a quick ceasefire is not to be expected: the Americans and the Ukrainians have not yet lost enough and the Russians have not yet won enough to cease hostilities.