
Ukraine & Nukes

by Steven Starr, USA*

(13 March 2022) After a «New York Times» reporter grossly distorted what Putin and Zelensky have said and done about nuclear weapons, Steven Starr corrects the record and deplores Western media, in general, for misinforming and leading the entire world in a dangerous direction.

China & Russia Declare New Era of Multipolarity

On the meeting in Beijing between China’s Xi and Russia’s Putin designed to deepen the integration of the two Eurasian superpowers

by Benjamin Norton*

(13 March 2022) Feb. 4, 2022 may very well be remembered in history textbooks as an important date in the shift of global politics.

Rising tensions (5)

Washington and London try to preserve their domination over Europe

By Thierry Meyssan*

(25 February 2022) Edit. The author succeeds in showing, on the basis of the latest developments around Ukraine, that the alleged threat from Russia only serves to bind Washington and London's NATO allies more firmly under their high command.

Truths and lies about pledges made to Russia

by Guy Mettan,* Freelance journalist, Geneva

(17 February 2022) The information war surrounding tensions between NATO and Russia over Ukraine often leads to distortions of historical reality.

Europe in the Trenches Against the “Invented Enemy”

by Manlio Dinucci*

(16 February 2022) Ignoring Russia's demands for peace guarantees, NATO has managed to portray Russia as the aggressor in the eyes of its members. It is mobilizing all the armies of the member countries and has just begun a gigantic naval exercise in the Mediterranean, while Russia is conducting a long-announced exercise in Belarus.

Blackwater is in Donbass with the Azov battalion

by Manlio Dinucci*

(16 February 2022) The CIA and MI6 are reorganizing NATO «stay-behind» networks in Eastern Europe. If after the Second World War they relied on former Nazis to fight the Soviets, they still support neo-Nazi groups against the Russians. There is no obvious reason for this. The Nazis were plethora in the 1940s, they are very few today and only exist thanks to the help of the Anglo-Saxons.