
The Dialectics Confrontation – Thirty Years After

Emergence of the multipolar world order and the role of the USA

Von Chas W. Freeman, Jr., United States Foreign Service (USFS), Ret.; Senior Fellow at Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University, USA*

(7 February 2022) The dissolution of the USSR ushered in a two-decade-long period of unchecked U.S. global supremacy. Two centuries earlier, American political engineer, James Madison presciently warned that, to avoid abuses of power, “ambition must be made to counteract ambition.” The post-Cold War period has provided ample proof of how correct this insight is.

Brussels and Washington under pressure

by Ralph Bosshard, Lieutenant-Colonel EMG*

(7 February 2022) On 17 December 2021, the Russian Foreign Ministry published draft agreements on mutual security guarantees between Russia and NATO,1 as well as between Russia and the United States.2 Initial comments from Western governments and the press have been reserved. The Russian proposals, which reflect some of the fundamental characteristics of Russian military thinking, do indeed require careful consideration.

Washington’s Bi-Partisan Russia-Bashers Are Determined to Start a War

by Ron Paul, MD*

(29 January 2022) Russia-bashing is a bi-partisan activity in Washington. Both parties think it makes them look “tough” and “pro-America.” But while Republican and Democrat politicians continue to one-up each other on “risk-free” threats to Russia, they are increasingly risking a devastating nuclear war.

Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief in its Omnipotence?

by Paul Craig Roberts*

(29 January 2022) This article of “Russia Today”1 makes it clear that the CIA rules America. The Russians called a security conference with Washington and NATO. The Russians explained that security is a joint undertaking and that security only exists if every country feels secure. The CIA responded with accusations against Russia handed to the CIA-puppet Biden regime and the CIA-puppet US media. The national security advisor read the script to us peons: Russia intends a false flag attack on its own troops so that it will have an excuse to invade Ukraine.

Tensions Rising – 2

Washington pursues RAND’s plan in Kazakhstan, then in Transnistria

by Thierry Meyssan*

(21 January 2022) The events that have been unfolding for the past week in Kazakhstan are the fifth part of a plan by the “RAND Corporation”, the sixth of which will take place in Transnistria. The four previous episodes took place over the last two years in Ukraine, Syria, Belarus and Nagorno-Karabakh. The aim is to weaken Russia by forcing it to over-deploy.

The clock is ticking – no war in Europe!

Europe must not become a battlefield

by Robert Seidel

(29 January 2022) The situation is coming to a frightening head behind the flood of Corona news: Washington is letting the latest negotiations with Russia go nowhere. The risk of armed action is growing. If there is a military escalation between Russia and the USA, the battlefield will be Europe.