
Rising Tensions

Russia wants to force the US to respect the UN Charter

by Thierry Meyssan*

(15 January 2022) Russia and China have just written to the United States asking it to respect the United Nations Charter and the word it has given. This approach, devoid of any aggressiveness, calls into question not only the functioning of the UN, NATO and the European Union, but almost all the US advances since the dissolution of the USSR. It is obviously unacceptable to Washington. But the US hyper-power is not what it used to be. It will have to begin its withdrawal.

Talks in Geneva

An obligation for all to consider carefully what future we want in Germany, in Europe and in the world.

by Willy Wimmer*

(19 January 2022) Edit. In a few words, Willy Wimmer describes at the beginning of the year, with great lucidity, the weakness of Europe and the arbitrariness of the United States towards Russia, but also towards Europe.

Is there a chance for peace in Europe?

by Wolfgang Effenberger*

(8 January 2022) At the end of the year, on 30 December 2021, Paul Craig Roberts, US economist, publicist and former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration, addressed the public with the cautionary article “The old year has departed and war awaits us in the New Year”.

Putin hints at military options in Ukraine

by M. K. Bhadrakumar*

(30 December 2021) The «Rossiya 1» state television in Moscow broadcast today President Vladimir Putin’s annual press conference on Friday. It conveys a much fuller picture of the grave crisis brewing in the Russian-American relations than what the excerpts in the Russian media sought to convey over the weekend.

“Children’s Aid Afghanistan”

Annual Report Christmas 2021

by Annette and Reinhard Erös

(21 December 2021) Edit. We are pleased to publish the Annual Report 2021 of “Kinderhilfe Afghanistan” (German Aid for Afghan Children). For decades, Dr Reinhard and Annette Erös have been committed to helping the civilian population in Afghanistan. Through their independent and specific work for “Kinderhilfe Afghanistan”, help arrives where it is urgently needed.

Russia-China alliance at the tipping point

by M. K. Bhadrakumar*

(21 December 2021) The initiative by Beijing to propose a virtual meeting between President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday radically transforms the geopolitics of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s relentless eastward expansion and the Western military deployments on Russia’s borders.