
Afghanistan – a second Vietnam?

by Robert Seidel

(20 September 2021) The images of the hasty withdrawal of the US Army from Kabul evoke memories of the withdrawal 46 years ago from the South Vietnamese capital Saigon. By comparing the two U.S. wars, Vietnam and Afghanistan, an attempt is made to draw possible consequences for a more peaceful international policy.

Reflections on Events in Afghanistan – episode 12

To recognise, or not to recognise, that’s the question

by M. K. Bhadrakumar*

(8. September 2021) At the weekly briefing in Moscow on Thursday by the Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated that Russia will consider recognising Afghanistan’s new authorities once an inclusive government is formed in the country.

Looking for Partisans in Crimea

How to foment trouble against Russia

by Jozef Banáš*

(6 September 2021) All sensible people of sound mind are following with ever-growing concern the increase in Russophobia and the swirl of disinformation about Russia, her president and Russian activities at home and abroad.

An American Viewpoint

Rapid Taliban Takeover Shows How Little US Understood Afghanistan

by Joe Lauria*

(23 August 2021) Though the Taliban may be unpopular with many Afghans at least they are Afghans and not a propped-up government under foreign occupation.

A German Viewpoint

Medical peace organisation calls for critical debate on military operations

Advance of the Taliban in Afghanistan

Press release of IPPNW-Germany of 13 August 2021

(23 August 2021) The current developments in Afghanistan with the advance of the Taliban once again highlight the failure of the military mission. The medical peace organisation IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) points out the enormous humanitarian consequences for the people in Afghanistan.

An Italian Viewpoint

The US Plan for a New Catastrophe

by Manlio Dinucci*

(23 August 2021) General Scott Miller, US and allied forces commander in Afghanistan, announced on April 25 the beginning of foreign troops withdrawal that should be completed by September 11, according to President Biden’s decision. Is the US ending the war waged for almost twenty years? In order to understand this communication, it is first of all necessary to consider the results of the war.