Social issues

“The COVID-19 Act bypasses the constitutional legislator and thus the people and the cantons”

by Andreas Kley*

(5 November 2021)  The subject of the referendum vote [of 28 November 2021] is the “Federal Act on the Statutory Principles for Federal Council Ordinances on Combating the COVID-19 Epidemic”. The title of the law, which lacks content, is striking. The title is pleonastic, because what should a federal law do other than create legal foundations? Moreover, a law must do more than just support ordinances.

International Journal of Infectious Diseases

COVID-19: an “extra-terrestrial” disease?

Elisabeth Paul1*, Garrett W. Brown2, Mélanie Dechamps3, Andreas Kalk4,
Pierre-François Laterre
5, Bernard Rentier6, Valéry Ridde7, Martin Zizi8


(3 November 2021) Although the threat of a pandemic had been present for many years, COVID-19 triggered frantic and uncoordinated reactions worldwide (Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, 2021; Paul et al., 2020b). Since being declared a public health emergency in January 2020, COVID-19 has been regarded as an exceptional disease, almost as if it came from outer space.

“Listen well and deal with the other opinion”

Talking to Josef Widler, M.D.*

by Sabine Vuilleumier, M.D.

(27 October 2021) The renowned general practitioner Josef Widler expresses his concern about the rifts that are created between the “vaccinated” and the “unvaccinated” and presents his view on how to deal with the pandemic. – “Swiss Standpoint” talked with him personally.

Why the wrong journalists have won the Nobel Peace Prize

by Thomas Röper*

(27 October 2021) The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to journalists from Russia and the Philippines, celebrated by the Western media as a sign against “evil regimes”, has exposed the Nobel Peace Prize as an instrument of Western propaganda.

Climate change

Over 40 years of wrong predictions…

What CO2 has to do with climate change

Interview with Ueli Gubler, Engineer HTL

(date) For some time now, the topic of “global warming” has had a massive influence on our direct life reality – be it in the form of incentive taxes, energy regulations and even our diet. The goal of all political measures is a massive reduction of CO2 emissions in order to prevent global warming.

Why dealing with Corona makes me despair

by Guy Mettan, freelance journalist, Geneva

(3 October 2021) In her editorial last Sunday [12 September], Ariane Dayer talks about a “Swiss secret” and asks why so many Swiss people hesitate to get vaccinated. An excellent question... to which she was careful not to answer. She contented herself with saying that we “should try to understand”.