Social issues

Afghanistan: War shatters bodies and souls

Four decades of war shatters nations

The following is a statement from Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, at the end of a four-day trip to Afghanistan

(23 September 2021) Kabul (ICRC) – The scars of war last generations. Destroyed buildings can one day be rebuilt, but shattered limbs do not regrow. Children re-live trauma long after the bomb blasts subside. Family members killed leave a permanent void.

Sanctions hit the innocent

Millions of livelihoods affected worldwide

by Thomas Scherr

(20 September 2021) Time and again, governments of influential states “punish” other states. The “punishments” often consist of banning trade for certain things or restricting exports and imports. This may involve food, medicines, financial transactions or technical parts. But what do these measures, known as “sanctions,” mean for the population?


Permanent disaster and enormous damage – necessary consequences

Public statement on the coronavirus Policy

(23 August 2021) SARS-COV-2 is a new type of virus that should be taken seriously and can lead to severe illness and death in people with weakened immune systems and previous illnesses depending on working, social and living conditions.

However, the pandemic measures of the German federal government, some of which are scientifically controversial and some of which cannot be justified, cause enormous damage: to the health of the population, especially to children and young people, to the health system itself, to precarious dependent employees and sole self-employed people, to single parents, to isolated old people, to the economy.

Hungary’s goal: gender ideology must not become state doctrine in Europe

by Soma Hegedős*

International debate has surged around the new anti-pedophilia bill adopted by the Hungarian parliament. In reality, this controversy seriously undermines our view not just of sexual and gender minorities, but also of human rights and freedom.

“Life has a deep meaning in itself and therefore, its protection has top priority”

On the Euthanasia debate

by Martin Korden,* Bonn, Germany

(13 July 2021) edit. In the morning devotion printed here, German theologian Martin Korden describes in a few words the far-reaching consequences of the euthanasia debate.

Humane energy comes from freedom

by Carl Bossard

(1st July 2021) Those who accompany young people on their learning and life paths require freedom. This is often forgotten in reforms, including the recent restructuring of commercial apprenticeships in Switzerland. A plea for the renaissance of a buried concept.