Social issues


Defamation and attempts to divide the farmer protest movement

by Marita Brune-Koch

(16 February 2024) For almost two months now, farmers have been protesting on Germany’s streets against the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to make ends meet with their farms. In the beginning, the major protests were very prominent in the media. Suddenly they disappeared – not the protests, which continued, but the reports in the media. They were replaced by an omnipresent coverage of the demonstrations “against far-right”. This is quite contrary to the fact that farmers from many European countries are united in their protest: reports are reaching us from the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Italy, and Poland, but in the public media and the mainstream press we hear and read virtually nothing about it. Obviously, this tactic is not enough; the protests still seem too dangerous for those in power. So, they are being helped along with a tried and tested means: with the label “right-wing” the farmers are now to be divided and silenced.

The EU is destroying farms across Europe …

France also joins the protests

by Pierre Lévy,* France

(9 February 2024) (Edit. S-St) Farmers in Europe are protesting against increasing regulations, constraints and falling incomes. This development is no coincidence. In recent years, the air has been cut off from them insidiously through various EU requirements that are implemented nationally. More and more are threatened in their existence. Suicide rates are high. A similar gloomy picture is emerging everywhere. Farmers are rightly fighting back against this development.

A Champion for Justice – My Tribute to John Pilger

by Stuart Rees,* Australia

(2 February 2024) People of the world who cherish human rights have lost a champion. The courageous, skilled, inimitable John Pilger, prolific author, film maker, foreign and war correspondent died in London on 30 December 2023. He was 84 years old.

Today, «A-levels» mean guided thinking

Significance of the PISA study

Interview with Professor Hans-Peter Klein*

(2 February 2024) Hans-Peter Klein, professor of biology, is one of the most prominent voices in the German education debate. In an interview with Mathias Brodkorb**, he talks about the disastrous results of the PISA study, educationally disadvantaged migrants, and the abolition of the achievement principle.

PISA results

Finland’s PISA-crash is a wake-up call for Swiss education policy

by Carl Bossard,* Switzerland

(18 January 2024) “Can you buy Finnish schools?” an education expert from the Middle East is said to have asked. After the first PISA assessment, he too made a pilgrimage to the promised land of the world’s best schools – with the intention of copying and pasting. Such educational trips were made possible by the PISA rankings.

The “Programme for International Student Assessment” (PISA) compares the ability of 15-year-old students in the subjects of reading, mathematics, and science. The results are recorded on a points scale and categorised into competence levels.

Trolls that control the narrative in media and Internet

How to track down robots, bots and “sea lions” that try to neutralise uncomfortable news

from an episode of Solutions’s Watch by James Corbett

(11 January 2024) Let’s face it: the “comments” at the end of videos or articles are often dreadful. But who’s to say they’re even real? And what’s the solution to these abominable posts? Not to read the comments, of course. But those who wade into this info war battlespace should at least be aware of the various tactics that trolls*, bots*, spies and “sea lions” are using to derail them from taking meaningful action.