Social issues

Russia today – Inside view of a Swiss

Switzerland is gambling away its good reputation and the goodwill of the Global South

Interview with Peter Hänseler,* Moscow

(7 June 2024) (CH-S/gk) Peter Hänseler is one of the few people who can draw direct comparisons between Switzerland, Germany and Russia based on his personal life experience. He worked in Russia for many years and now lives in Moscow, where he also works as a journalist. This makes his views on various areas such as current politics, everyday life and the Russian perspective on Switzerland even more interesting. “Swiss Standpoint” had the opportunity to interview him in detail.

Digitalisation and individualisation

An unholy alliance that prevents education – 7 theses

by Prof. Dr Jochen Krautz*

(7 June 2024) (CH-S) German scholar Jochen Krautz outlines the contradiction between digitalisation and education in succinct and apt theses.

Without reappraisal of the pandemic – WHO-treaties must not be ratified

mRNA-“vaccine” – criminal complaint against Swissmedic

by Ursula Cross

(17 May 2024) The special print of the “Criminal complaint against Swissmedic” gives a comprehensive impression of what went wrong during the pandemic to be better prepared for the future. The criminal complaint is an important legal part of coming to terms with the coronavirus period, as is also necessary for all other areas of society.

A Gaulish village fights the mobile phone plague

Seine-Port is committed to children and young people

by Stefan Brändle,* Paris

(10 May 2024) (CH-S) It is usually committed and courageous individuals who can win over their fellow citizens in favour of sensible innovations. Mayor Vincent Paul-Petit opens a mobile phone-free zone in the village of Seine-Port. A clear signal for the protection of children and young people, after decades of too little action on the part of the state.

The EU's war on farmers

“European farming: which way now?”

by Thomas Fazi*

(3 May 2024) “Green” policies are simply the latest cover to pursue a specific agri-food model: an increasingly centralised, concentrated, globalised model centred around a few mega-farms.

Yesterday I participated in a great event organised by MCC Brussels on “European farming: which way now?”. Here’s the text of the speech that I gave:

Where has investigative journalism gone?

Journalists during the coronavirus pandemic

by Sonja L. Bauer, head of the editorial team at “Berner Landbote”*

(3 May 2024) (CH-S) In the following presentation, journalist Sonja Laurèle Bauer analyses the role of the media, especially editors, during the coronavirus pandemic. She gave this slightly abridged presentation in Bern at the symposium “Corona – Fakes & Facts” on 6/7 April 2024. What demands can be placed on good journalism and what was lacking during the pandemic.