Social issues

Does Germany want to be a battlefield again?

“Secret Operational Plan Germany”

by Marita Brune-Koch

(3 August 2024) For a long time, we have been hearing that Germany needs to prepare for a major war. It’s hard to believe: Germany at war? Again? The great misery that we went through twice in the last century, once again? But when you listen to the interview that Lieutenant General André Bodemann gave to NTV, you realise how concrete the preparations already are.

“The Hope Accord”

Overwhelming burden of proof calls for a stop to Covid-19-“vaccinations”

(3 August 2024) (sv) The authors of this agreement have not made it easy for themselves. They have analysed huge amounts of data in databases on the effects of the mRNA products, which have been used billions of times since December 2020, on the bodies of people of all ages. What individual doctors were able to observe soon after the start of the vaccination campaign worried them and an increasing number of their colleagues. Joint research into excess mortality, cardiovascular disorders, unprecedented, rapidly developing cancers and many other increasing disease patterns in connection with the mRNA “vaccinations” gathered pace. The initiators of the agreement concluded that the administration of these substances must be stopped. – The annex to the agreement contains the sources for the growing amount of evidence on the harmful effects and research into the causes.

“No to Germany as a party to war – No to new medium-range missiles!”

(26 July 2024) (26 July 2024) (CH-S) Irrespective of the question of “war guilt”, the catastrophic escalation in Ukraine must be ended as quickly as possible. A strong peace movement can make an important contribution to this. The appeal published on “NachDenkSeiten” is therefore to be strongly supported.

Coronavirus pandemic – Wuhan market was not place of origin

by Pascal Derungs,* Zurich

(19 July 2024) The evidence is mounting: Unscrupulous researchers have probably developed the virus. A laboratory accident brought it into the world. “Das Lügengebäude bröckelt” (“The pack of lies is crumbling”), is the title of Professor of Physics Roland Wiesendanger’s article in the political magazine “Cicero” In it, the internationally renowned scientist summarises the current state of knowledge on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. He describes the official interpretation, according to which the virus is of natural origin and is said to have accidentally jumped from bats to humans at the animal market in the Chinese city of Wuhan – at the site of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) of all places – as a “pack of lies”.

The US-controlled fact-checking mafia from Correctiv, DPA, NewsGuard & Co. is facing a strong headwind

by Norbert Häring,* Germany

(12 July 2024) NewsGuard, presumably an important service provider for the government’s censorship campaign against independent, critical media, is facing a parliamentary investigation in the US to clarify the company’s relationship with the government and its handling of conflicts of interest. The so-called fact-checkers are also facing massive headwinds.

Ecce homines – Fellow citizens! Look at these people!

by Dr Stefan Nold,* Germany

(5 July 2024) “Is this some kind of Christ thing?” a young guy asks me as I walk through Darmstadt-Arheilgen on a Monday evening, a large poster with “12 commandments for peace” around my neck. There are only a few of us. A fitter from Berlin, a master craftsman, a retired vocational teacher and a few others. An emeritus maths professor holds up the white flag. “Put up passive resistance, resistance wherever you are, stop this war machine from continuing before it’s too late,” said Petra Kelly, one of the founders of the Green Party, in 1983. She is dead, just like Rudi Dutschke and Antje Vollmer; her party now sings in favour of the arms lobby. The peace movement has died and Alexander Gauland, Walter Wallmann’s former under secretary, who made his new party big by stirring up nasty resentments, is giving speeches in the Bundestag on the war in Ukraine that Willy Brandt would have given in the past. I no longer understand the world.