Social issues

Cries of grief, yet still hoping

by Suzette Sandoz,* Lausanne

(5 July 2024) Were the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans aware of the end of their civilisation? And did all the peoples who perished, whose ruins remind us of their former greatness, consciously accept their destruction?

Doctors Protecting Children Declaration

Psychotherapy instead of sex reassignment surgery

by Marita Brune Koch

(5 July 2024) The feeling to be “in the wrong bod”, not clearly belonging to any gender – according to our media, many people, especially young people, are preoccupied with the question of whether they are male, female or something else. For all those who didn’t want to admit it until now, this year’s ESC (Eurovision Song Contest) has hyped the topic: The winner was the Swiss singer Nemo, a young person who identifies as “non-binary", i.e. who defines himself as neither male nor female. This is also referred to as “gender fluidity”. Now, American doctors are calling for a reversal.

Europe – with PR into the Third World War?

Massive disinformation via mainstream media also in Switzerland

by Robert Seidel,*

(21 June 2024) Some news items in the flood of current reports seem like a nightmare from times gone by: In spring 2024, one European politician after another announced that they would supply more weapons to Ukraine and, if necessary, send their own soldiers. Today, all signs point to the fact that some European governments are willing to fight the war for the USA on European soil. It is inconceivable that it is still possible to organise something like this in the 21st century – inconceivable after two catastrophic world wars and the threat of nuclear overkill.

A Basic Law for teachers?

by Michael Felten,* Germany

(21 June 2024) (CH-S) Doctors have the Hippocratic Oath to which they must adhere. After all, we trust them with our health and, not least, our lives. We entrust teachers with our young people, our most valuable asset, our future.

Wouldn’t it be time to think about a “Basic Law for teachers”, analogous to the Hippocratic oath? Scholar Michael Felten does this with regard to Germany, but his thoughts are no less important for Swiss teachers.

Press Release

“An ethical force of independence and objectivity”

Launch of new independent medical journal

(21 June 2024) (sv) In a press release dated 5 June 2024, the doctors of the FLCCC Alliance (Front Line Covid19 Critical Care Alliance)* announced the founding of a new medical journal. They are thus drawing the consequences from bitter experiences during the Covid pandemic: their tireless, scientifically based commitment to the efficient treatment of Covid patients with already known, inexpensive drugs was massively opposed by the WHO and the pharmaceutical industry. Dr Pierre Kory illustrates this battle in his book “The war on Ivermectin.”1 – The new scientific journal provides helpful guidance for laypeople and healthcare professionals with regard to further pandemics.


“There is no third way, only a Third World War”

Viktor Orbán speaks at the rally for peace in Budapest on 1 June 2014

Excerpts compiled by Marita Brune Koch for “Swiss Standpoint”

(14 June 2024) In an impressive demonstration, over one hundred thousand Hungarian citizens expressed their desire for peace. They applauded their prime minister for several minutes before he could even begin his speech. Viktor Orbán seemed visibly moved by the demonstrators’ approval. It comes as no surprise to observers that most Hungarians are behind Orbán, as he is doing everything he can to save his people from a devastating war. We present extracts from his speech in which he addresses the question of war and peace.