Social issues


“Quality media” in the swamp of war propaganda

How liberal flagships turn into junk ammunition freighters

by Thomas Scherr

(5 September 2022) One had to get used to the fact that many renowned newspapers – also known as “leading media” – are increasingly deteriorating. In addition to their dwingling circulation numbers and increasing tittytainment or their ivory-tower snobbish feuilletons, they have become appallingly conformist. They still manage to set focal points of discussion in the “published” debate. In a limited playground, they mime “investigative journalism” or “debate culture”, arguing about trivialities.

Declines in performance among elementary school students

Study in Germany shows serious decline in competency

by Marita Brune-Koch

(9 August 2022) The proportion of children who fail to meet the educational standards set by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany1 has risen sharply. This was revealed by the Institute for Quality Development in a study.2

Norway: Biometric digital identity is coming

by Thomas Oysmüller*

(11 July 2022) Norway is abolishing its old digital registration system and is rolling out a digital identity that will be linked to biometric data.

“For ‘no nails’ go next door”

Sand in the gears of the globalised economy

(9 August 2022) (MB) We are driving to the northwest of Germany for a family affair. On the way, my husband remembers that he forgot to pack the essential outfit for this festive occasion, namely his jacket and shirt. So we stop at a well-stocked mens’ outfitter in a Bavarian town. There we are attended to by an experienced salesman. He knows his way around his assortment, the fabrics, cuts, sizes, models, styles. It’s a pleasure to be advised by such a person.

Reaching a Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine

Statement by Participants of the “Science and Ethics of Happiness Study Group” under the auspices of the “UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network” (UN-SDSN)

(4 July 2022) (Editor CH-S.) The statement of the “Study Group on Science and Ethics” for peace negotiations in Ukraine as documented here clearly shows that possibilities for serious peace negotiations have always existed and still exist today. However, a prerequisite for this is the genuine will for peace, as can be seen from the proposal.

The US plan for a WHO health dictatorship is failing … for the moment

by Norbert Häring*

(28 June 2022) A bold proposal by the U.S. government to tighten the “International Health Regulations” (IHR) failed at the 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva because it was resisted by African and other countries that did not want to submit so easily to a health dictatorship from Washington and Geneva. Negotiations will now continue until 2024, in parallel with the proposed “Global Treaty on Pandemics”.