Social issues

On the deconstruction of a wonderful profession

by Carl Bossard,* Switzerland

(28 June 2022) Switzerland is short of thousands of teachers, and this just before the summer holidays. The authorities express surprise. But how could it come to this? A search for clues.

Taking the nuclear threat seriously

by Dr med. Sabine Vuilleumier-Koch, MD.

(20 June 2022) Western media and policy makers ignore or trivialise the threat of nuclear war spreading across the world. Nuclear weapons are a suppressed reality.

The WEF, where it’s all about money and power ...

by Christian Müller*

(11 June 2022) Sic transit gloria mundi: This is how the splendour of the world degenerates! The WEF, once a hopeful international platform where high-ranking politicians and influential business managers could meet and talk on neutral Swiss soil. The WEF, today a neo-liberal economic propaganda event that strives for globalisation under Western leadership, not least at Swiss expenses, and simply excluding disobedient countries. A geopolitical tragedy.

War in Ukraine: Conceiving the inconceivable?

Financing the production of weapons of mass destruction and the supply of heavy weapons must stop immediately!

by Marc Chesney*

(11 June 2022) (Edit.) Marc Chesney is professor of finance at the University of Zurich. He has long urged major banks and other financial corporations to stop giving money to companies that produce nuclear and other heavy weapons but to help promote the good of our planet through sustainable credits.


Stay courageous!

Many against the expansion of war and for negotiated solutions

(30 May 2022) (Edit.) If you consume the usual media – Anne Will to Günther Jauch, FAZ to NZZ, TAZ to Spiegel – you could get the impression that “the whole world” is in favour of supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine.

The Memory of Humanity

By Bertold Brecht
at the Congress of the Peoples for Peace,
December 1952, Vienna

Source: «Das Gedächtnis der Menschheit», aus: Bertolt Brecht, Werke.
Grosse kommentierte Berliner und Frankfurter Ausgabe, Band 12: Gedichte 2.
© Bertolt-Brecht-Erben/Suhrkamp Verlag 1988.

(Translation “Swiss Standpoint”)